Cypionate compared to Enanthate


New member
These two Testosterones are very similar, but I'm wondering what some of you think are the differences and which one you'd prefer if they were the same price. What's your favorite and why?

Same results bro , go with the cheapest ...
if they are the same price then take 1/2 enanthate and 1/2 cypionate !!
mike1107 said:
Same results bro , go with the cheapest ...
if they are the same price then take 1/2 enanthate and 1/2 cypionate !!

That's interesting. You think they are the same in effect, etc. Big Cat over at likes Enanthate the best. Then others claim that Cypionate is the more powerful of the two.

More opinions please.

i like to switch between the two every 3-4 months. i don't know if it does much but i keep growing.
I see absolutely no difference , so i do like bouncer and switch every 3-6 months
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Cypionate: Chemical Structure C8H14O2.
Also referred to as Cyclopentylpropionic acid, cyclopentylpropionate. Cypionate is a very popular ester here in the U.S., although it is scarcely found outside this region. Its release duration is almost identical to enanthate (10-14 days), and the two are likewise thought to be interchangeable in U.S. medicine. Althletes commonly hold the belief than cypionate is more powerful than enanthate, although realistically there is little difference between the two. The enanthate ester is in fact slightly smaller than cypionate, and it therefore releases a small (perhaps a few milligrams) amount of steroid more in comparison.
So if a Doctor is prescribing the Cypionate over Enanthate is it because it is easier for the doctor to prescirbe Cyp or is it because he doesn't really realize the difference.

longtimer said:
So if a Doctor is prescribing the Cypionate over Enanthate is it because it is easier for the doctor to prescirbe Cyp or is it because he doesn't really realize the difference.


I'd say the second one..
From my own personal experience with this, my doc just writes a script for testosterone depot. He doesn't specify cyp or enth, I get what the pharmacy has, and that can vary from script to script. Used to always get Upjohn cyp, but it has been hard to get for some time now, so now I am taking Delatestryl and that is an enanthate.

Once again there really isn't a difference between them.
You'll never be able to tell a difference... Some people thim=nk they have a higher affinity for one more than the other, but I have never noticed any myself. As far as these 2 go, test is test.
in a vulgar way we can say

cypionate is the longer acting of choice in the america

enanthate in europe!

doctor wise of course :)
the enanthate is actually a little more potent mg per mg, but not by much at all, so you wouldnt even know the difference, enanthate is mostly always cheaper, so go with that
I have never used Cyp but I will in my next cycle well good luck bro. Can't go wrong with either, only one way to find out what works for u is to try it out.
~12 day HL for Cyp and ~10 day for Enan, you get something like 5-10% more test in enan due to the ester differences, not too much difference though.
longtimer said:
So if a Doctor is prescribing the Cypionate over Enanthate is it because it is easier for the doctor to prescirbe Cyp or is it because he doesn't really realize the difference.


Probably because that ~2.5 day or so longer ester, they can just go with one 200mg injection every 2 weeks (not that they probably care much about half life anyway, its close enough).