d-bol and winny.... looking for help.. critique..


New member
i want to try a relativly short steroid cycle.. im a complete noob..im mostly looking for some solid strength gains and any LM would be fine..

20years old
6'4 313lbs
haven't tested bf but im sure it's around 20+ or so.. i've got a lil belly but other than that my legs and arms are pretty lean.

bench:385 squat:550 clean:365

i've lifted for about 4 years.. only been the past year or so that i've really taken diet into consideration and thus i've made my best gains.

i plan on taking dianabol for 5-6weeks at 20-30mg a day... then winstrol for 5 weeks at 50mg a day after.... i don't care so much about big mass gains im looking mostly for strength...

to be honest im looking mostly for strength that i'll be able to maintain with the dianabol then with the winstrol i'll continue to try to get stronger and hopefully that'll help me keep the dbol gains and maybe i'll gain some more. im pretty new but these two compounds are the most available and cost efficient for me at the moment.

i'd like to break that 405bench barrier/600squat/ and maybe 400clean.. i'd appreciate some predictions as well as to what i can expect to gain if i eat right and train... past strength gains on dbol/winny .. anything..

one more thing.. i was originally going to do a 10weekx40mg anavar cycle but considering the cost i can't afford it at the moment. i know the room is pretty foward about test only for first cycles but with the prices of dbol/winny around me... :) thanks for your help before hand and you've got a great forum here..
first off why no injectables. Some test somewhere in there would be nice. Second, you definatly should not take orals for that long a period. Youd be going 10-11 weeks, that is extremly harmful to the liver. Oral steroids are toxic. You should stay around 6 weeks at a time and 8 pushing it. Also Winstrol (winny) is not to much of a strenght drug although some people do very well with it. IMO run test ethenate for the 10 weeks and kickstart the cycle with dbol or anadrol for 6 weeks. This will put some mass on you and the anadrol would give you some very impressive strenght gains.
As everyone is going to say, ADD TEST!! But chances are your going to probably do this cycle regardless... which i do not reccomend, but if you are going to do it.. i wouls run it like this..

D-bol 1-8 35mg ED
Winny 3-8 50mg ED

I use orals for 8 weeks at a time quite often, but that is not reccmoned for most! Sadly, if you want to run this cycle, i think that is going to be your best bet.

Oh, and one more thing.....

ADD TEST!!!! ;)
halo sounds good but once again im looking at the cost side of it.. :(

ima look up and see if i can get some test prop for 10 weeks or so.. i've also never injected or used needles much so im a little weary.. not so much afriad im just pretty much clueless...
I think 35+50 mg per day is too much for a beginner.

I'd say go 25+20mg per day for 10 weeks.
Add milk thistle and/or ala and see what happens.