Daily injection TRT? food for though.

why pin every day if its not needed? 1-2x a week. we naturally have small dips and spike in t level and i feel most over blow it a bit on fluctuations. every pin is still a risk of infection and/or scare tissue regardless how careful you are. in one month you could have had your whole years worth of shots. just not worth it to me IMO

Never thought about the increased chance of infection, really good point.
Decided to try the ventroglute today versus subq, smooth as can be with a 25g 1 inch to pin... Will continue to throw that spot in now.

Appreciate it mega.

Mine blew up the first time I pinned it. I still keep using it and love the spot but we got off to a rocky start. :-)
Mine blew up the first time I pinned it. I still keep using it and love the spot but we got off to a rocky start. :-)

I got nervous and nicked my iliotibial band. Couldn't bend my leg to put my shoes on for a week! It just seems like too small of a muscle to take a pin, but it definitely can! :)
I got nervous and nicked my iliotibial band. Couldn't bend my leg to put my shoes on for a week! It just seems like too small of a muscle to take a pin, but it definitely can! :)

Now I'm scared LOL, feel like I got lucky. Although today it's sore likely since first time pinning there. Also pinned with a 1ml exel using 25g needle, and if you're not careful you can inject really fast... I read something to do with the smaller barrel resulting in more PSI since it's under more pressure vs. a 3ml, needless to say it squirted quick.

What do I do for rigs to stop wasting? I inject twice a week and lose .05ml with the BD or exel style syringes, like another thread I read that adds up to a lot.

I know some guys are using 1 piece TB pins but I read in the TRT guide books they aren't a good idea, they also mentioned using small needles somehow increases the chance of infection? Anyone know of this being legit? I'm talking the book by Jay Cambell and the other one by Dr Crisler. I'm not seeing how smaller less invasive holes makes for more infection chances. My quads are very lean and can easily hit muscle with the 5/8 28g slin needles, they so allow you to ultra measure your dosage, biggest thing is though they waste really nothing. I have to assume a slin needle wastes what stays in the needle as a few drops vs. a whole 10mg .05ml bit with BD. Or use the slin for subq avoids the waste.

Seems like a lot of guys are using the slin ones so anyone have any reports of increased infections from it? My GP keeps me a few refills on keflex just incase I ever see somethint funky around injection site.

Todd: Long term? No way too much scar tissue.

Dr R agreed there, he would like me to inject once a week then two days prior to my last injection do my two hCG shots. So if I inject Monday then he wants to pin hCG 250iu on Saturday and Sunday.

This was his suggestion.
Now I'm scared LOL, feel like I got lucky. Although today it's sore likely since first time pinning there. Also pinned with a 1ml exel using 25g needle, and if you're not careful you can inject really fast... I read something to do with the smaller barrel resulting in more PSI since it's under more pressure vs. a 3ml, needless to say it squirted quick.

What do I do for rigs to stop wasting? I inject twice a week and lose .05ml with the BD or exel style syringes, like another thread I read that adds up to a lot.

I know some guys are using 1 piece TB pins but I read in the TRT guide books they aren't a good idea, they also mentioned using small needles somehow increases the chance of infection? Anyone know of this being legit? I'm talking the book by Jay Cambell and the other one by Dr Crisler. I'm not seeing how smaller less invasive holes makes for more infection chances. My quads are very lean and can easily hit muscle with the 5/8 28g slin needles, they so allow you to ultra measure your dosage, biggest thing is though they waste really nothing. I have to assume a slin needle wastes what stays in the needle as a few drops vs. a whole 10mg .05ml bit with BD. Or use the slin for subq avoids the waste.

Seems like a lot of guys are using the slin ones so anyone have any reports of increased infections from it? My GP keeps me a few refills on keflex just incase I ever see somethint funky around injection site.

Todd: Long term? No way too much scar tissue.

Dr R agreed there, he would like me to inject once a week then two days prior to my last injection do my two hCG shots. So if I inject Monday then he wants to pin hCG 250iu on Saturday and Sunday.

This was his suggestion.

Yes, due to how fluid dynamics and physics work - a smaller needle and syringe generate a greater amount of pressure than a larger one. (PV1 = PV2)

I simply draw about 0.1ml of air into the syringe to get as much oil as possible. However, you'll NEVER be able to save it all as some still clings to the barrel walls and interior of the needle. No, injecting air into a muscle does not hurt you whatsoever, unless we're talking HUGE amounts.

IM should be in the muscle belly, which I promise isn't happening with a 5/8 needle in the quads. Delts maybe, biceps and triceps, maybe. But I think you're just getting subq/shallow IM. While this doesn't really hurt anything, and it's not wasting anything per se - you may notice lumps or some awkward pain.

I've never heard of infection issues with smaller needles. I use 31g for insulin, that mean I should be getting problems like crazy? Lol.
I was using Prop EOD for TRT at 40mg per shot. Worked wonders for libido and energy but sent my already high anxiety sky high, think it have have had something to do with spiking my E2 levels due to Prop being fast acting? My Dr said any form of Testosterone will raise anxiety and wants me to either use Clomid or Arimidex only for TRT.
I was using Prop EOD for TRT at 40mg per shot. Worked wonders for libido and energy but sent my already high anxiety sky high, think it have have had something to do with spiking my E2 levels due to Prop being fast acting? My Dr said any form of Testosterone will raise anxiety and wants me to either use Clomid or Arimidex only for TRT.

That is weird. I find that many guys experience reduced anxiety when going from hypogonadal TT levels to normal TT levels.

Why doesn't your doctor think that the increased TT levels from clomid or AI-Monotherapy would also result in increased anxiety? Does he or she think that exogenous testosterone somehow has a different effect than endogenous testosterone?

Just doesn't seem to reconcile...
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That is weird. I find that many guys experience reduced anxiety when going from hypogonadal TT levels to normal TT levels.

Why doesn't your doctor think that the increased TT levels from clomid or AI-Monotherapy would also result in increased anxiety? Does he or she think that exogenous testosterone somehow has a different effect than endogenous testosterone?

Just doesn't seem to reconcile...

I dont understand his views either, rather strange! He said my bloods were slightly low at 242 for Test' and E2 high at 58. I thought that Prop' being so fast acting may have raised E2 thus giving anxiety......Or some Testosterone's lower benzo efficiency and I am on 2 benzos, so maybe Prop' is one of those lowers benzo efficiency? Dbol is another one, makes me feel good but makes me anxious! Also a strange one here, when on Testosterone I feel less aggressive, most people have the opposite effect as in increased aggression, I find yself being more calm whilst on it?
I dont understand his views either, rather strange! He said my bloods were slightly low at 242 for Test' and E2 high at 58. I thought that Prop' being so fast acting may have raised E2 thus giving anxiety......Or some Testosterone's lower benzo efficiency and I am on 2 benzos, so maybe Prop' is one of those lowers benzo efficiency? Dbol is another one, makes me feel good but makes me anxious! Also a strange one here, when on Testosterone I feel less aggressive, most people have the opposite effect as in increased aggression, I find yself being more calm whilst on it?

Not strange at all. Most guys actually feel happier and calmer on Test. Roid rage and aggression are a myth.

Sounds like your anxiety could be estradiol related.

I don't believe testosterone affects the effectiveness of benzos.
I don't know why a doctor would imply that testosterone can increase anxiety as one of the main benefits is dopamine re-uptake, which is a very integral part of keeping us calm and relaxed. Strange indeed. :spin:
Its strange as the female Dr at my surgery said it helps with anxiety and depression and the Male Dr said it can make anxiety a lot worse yet help depression. I am far from depressed but very anxious.
Its strange as the female Dr at my surgery said it helps with anxiety and depression and the Male Dr said it can make anxiety a lot worse yet help depression. I am far from depressed but very anxious.

I suspect that estradiol is being lumped in with testosterone in the male doctor's opinion. High and low E2 can mess with anxiety, which is why it's stressed so much to have it under control. :)
I suspect that estradiol is being lumped in with testosterone in the male doctor's opinion. High and low E2 can mess with anxiety, which is why it's stressed so much to have it under control. :)

Thanks halfwit I may take my Dr up on his advice and take the Arimidex then add a small amount of Test C or E myself, say 100-125mg a week ;)
Thanks halfwit I may take my Dr up on his advice and take the Arimidex then add a small amount of Test C or E myself, say 100-125mg a week ;)

Are you currently on anything? If not, let him do his adex monotherapy and see what happens. If you're on AAS, be judicious with the dosing - don't want to crash yourself and make things worse. Many docs way overdo the AI dosing.
Are you currently on anything? If not, let him do his adex monotherapy and see what happens. If you're on AAS, be judicious with the dosing - don't want to crash yourself and make things worse. Many docs way overdo the AI dosing.

Not on anything at present AAS wise. Meds I am on are Celexa, Valium and Klonopin (Been on these for years) currently withdrawing from Klonopin (horrific and I am even taking the withdrawal very very slowly) I suppose I am looking for help with my anxiety so asked the Dr a good few years ago to check my Test levels, came back that my Test levels are low but not ultra low and E2 is on the high side, yet he refuses to help me Testosterone wise as he said he has treated patients in the past for Low T and they have all become anxious so he said its a big no for me, but he did say that he is willing to prescribe me either Arimidex or Clomid as he said either one of these will increase my natural Test without being shut down? I seem to vary on bloodworks but the highest I have been over the past 4 years was 240 something and lowest was around 210. Being in the UK I can obtain and be in possession of AAS without any worry from the law, thus my interest in now self medicating as being almost housebound with anxiety is just awful.
I pinn 24 times a day.... Im very very anal about steady blood levels. Is it a pain waking up every hour by my alarm clock at night? Yes...... Does it suck to have to sneak off every hour just in normal life to go pinm? Absolutely but its worth it all about those steady levels
Not on anything at present AAS wise. Meds I am on are Celexa, Valium and Klonopin (Been on these for years) currently withdrawing from Klonopin (horrific and I am even taking the withdrawal very very slowly) I suppose I am looking for help with my anxiety so asked the Dr a good few years ago to check my Test levels, came back that my Test levels are low but not ultra low and E2 is on the high side, yet he refuses to help me Testosterone wise as he said he has treated patients in the past for Low T and they have all become anxious so he said its a big no for me, but he did say that he is willing to prescribe me either Arimidex or Clomid as he said either one of these will increase my natural Test without being shut down? I seem to vary on bloodworks but the highest I have been over the past 4 years was 240 something and lowest was around 210. Being in the UK I can obtain and be in possession of AAS without any worry from the law, thus my interest in now self medicating as being almost housebound with anxiety is just awful.

AI-Monotherapy is an effective treatment for increasing test levels. And he is correct in that it will not shut down your HPTA. Clomid works too but a lot of guys don't feel better on it despite the higher TT levels it provides.
AI-Monotherapy is an effective treatment for increasing test levels. And he is correct in that it will not shut down your HPTA. Clomid works too but a lot of guys don't feel better on it despite the higher TT levels it provides.

Thanks :) So using Arimidex by itself is ok to raise Test levels.....Are they any side effects with Arimidex? I dont have full trust in my Dr so learning a lot here. Being in the UK TRT is frowned upon so lucky to get as far as I have as in him offering me either Clomid or Arimidex.