Dang It All To Heck!

Mr. dB

Angry Old Curmudgeon
I was scheduled to start cycle #2 Sunday:

d-bol 50mg/day weeks 1-5
enan250 500mg/wk weeks 1-15
deca300 400mg/wk weeks 1-15
winny tabs 50mg/day weeks 10-15

nolva and clomid on hand


I caught a nasty cold last week, and my appetite has been fer shit. Last night I was able to sleep without any cold medicine for the first time, so I'm gettin' over it at last.


I cracked a tooth. One of the front ones. I bit a fork. I can't see the damage, but it aches. I'm gonna have to have it crowned, damnit! My first appointment is next Monday, when they take the molds, grind away the tooth, and fit the temporary crown, then two weeks later I go back and they fit the permanent crown.

So I guess I should postpone starting this cycle until the tooth is fixed, which means waiting 'til Feb 3 at the earliest. Heck!

Present stats: 5'10", 240 lbs., age 46, 18.6" biceps, 49" chest, BF 25%+. Goals: 15-20 lbs of lean mass gain, then after a suitable period of maintenance, cutting down to 15% BF.

Dnkypnch said:
Damn that sucks, but the cycle looks pretty good. Good luck

I'm not looking forward to the dental work, that's for sure.

I did test/EQ/dbol last time, and didn't get any of the famous "EQ hunger" so I thought I'd try deca instead of EQ for cycle #2, just to see how I respond.

Cycle looks good, but damn.....you must have been hungry....trying to eat a fork......next time try the plastic ones, they are much cheaper on the wallet, LOL !!! :D
StoneColdNTO said:
Cycle looks good, but damn.....you must have been hungry....trying to eat a fork......next time try the plastic ones, they are much cheaper on the wallet, LOL !!! :D

'bout $500 cheaper...

What makes it even worse is that it was something I shouldn't even have been eating -- a french fry. I was on cycle at the time, must've been a feeding frenzy. Did it back in September, but I didn't bother to do anything about it. Told my dentist what I did during a routine check-up last week, he shined a light through the tooth and saw the crack.

The only thing I would change about your cycle is to arrange it so all the drugs are out of your system at the same time. There are several ways you can do this:

1) stop the deca and test in week 13 and run the Winstrol (winny) through week 15, start clomid in week 16.

2) leave the deca and test as they are and run the winstrol until week 17, start clomid in week 18.

3) My favorite - replace test ethanate with test prop in week 14-15. Stop deca in week 13 (could run tren acetate in its place for weeks 14-15, or even a short ester nandrolone) Run Winstrol (winny) through week 15. Start clomid in week 16.

See the thread "A comprehensive look at modern AS cycling" by Andy 13 in our educational forum.
Trevdog said:
The only thing I would change about your cycle is to arrange it so all the drugs are out of your system at the same time. There are several ways you can do this:

1) stop the deca and test in week 13 and run the Winstrol (winny) through week 15, start clomid in week 16.

2) leave the deca and test as they are and run the winstrol until week 17, start clomid in week 18.

3) My favorite - replace test ethanate with test prop in week 14-15. Stop deca in week 13 (could run tren acetate in its place for weeks 14-15, or even a short ester nandrolone) Run Winstrol (winny) through week 15. Start clomid in week 16.

See the thread "A comprehensive look at modern AS cycling" by Andy 13 in our educational forum.

Thanks for the suggestions. I have a couple of weeks to decide.

Back in the saddle again! After getting over the cold, and getting the tooth fixed, and getting another short cold, I'm FINALLY up for my second cycle.

Ended up deciding on 625mg of the enan250 and 450mg of the deca300/week, for 13 weeks, 'cause that works out to two injections per week of 1.25cc of enan and 0.75cc of deca. Doing 50mg of Ref-B tabs per day, weeks 1-5, and 50mg Winstrol (winny) tabs per day weeks 10-15.

Shot up this morning, in the glute. I can still walk, so either I tolerate the QV enan250 well, or else mixing in the deca eliminates the pain. And d-bol is such a mood elevator for me!
