
what ISN"T dangerous about cigarettes? when on a cycle you should stay away from anything that can be detrimental to your gaining. Booze, weed and cigarettes are counter-productive
thats not what i mean.sorry.Im trying to find out specific dangers.Interactions and shit like that.I know cigarretes are dangerous cmon now.I was asking if there is an added danger.
i think the answers were solid enough

Smoking Lowers Testosterone

Smoking can lower testosterone and increase the risk for an aortic abdominal aneurysm in men. 30,000 male smokers were studied between the ages of 50 and 69 and found to have a significantly increased risk of atherosclerosis. This increased the incidence of heart disease, stroke, aneurysms, and hypertension because of elevated cholesterol levels. You can also add impotency to that group, as elevated cholesterol clogs the sensitive small blood vessels responsible for trapping blood in the penis during an erection.

Epidemiology 2001;12:94-100
During my first Sustanon (sust) cycle I also used pot and x...within 2 days I developed the flu and was not well for almost a week. I agree with everyone else here...stay away from all the other shit while on a cycle. I could careless about the legality of dope use, but realistically my diet always suffers when I mix drugs with steroids. Have 1 cheat day a week if you need to get high, but keep it to a minimum.
i will go out and drink occasionally on cycle, as long as i am not on orals. Probably not the best thing to do, but it is very infrquently for me. Ciggs are probablly not going to make you drop dead, but not the best thing to do. I was a pack and a half a day smoker for about 7 years, and i could not come close to the intensity in the gym that i have now.
I was fairly close to your habit also...I did 1 pack a day for 4 years. It is hard not to smoke...for one my girlfriend still smokes, but we also go out 2 nights each week and it seems that everyone of our friends smokes as does everyones else in the bars and clubs we hit. I am suffering from a hangover right now. I would go crazy if we did not go out. I look at it this way...if she is willing to accept with my steroid use then I can accept her smoking. Life is about balance.
I'll be the devil's advocate here...who gives a fuck about alcohol lowering test production if you are already on a test cycle? Your body ain't producing test anyways, so what the fuck does it matter.

I dunno, you need to live your life and have some enjoyment. A few beers here and there aren't gonna kill you, but getting blotto 2-3 times a week and you're just fucking around and wasting gear that I could be taking.

* there is of course the gorilla boy exception to this rule...
nicotine tends to constrict blood vessels in general. which can hinder transport of nutrients and oxygen, which can hinder building and repair.
dallasskyline said:
What is the gorilla boy exception?

Here is a quote from gorilla boy from another thread (I think it was the elite bashing one): "Good to hear. Me? Eating like shit, training like a teenager, using juice as a crutch, the usual"
That is fucked up...

I agree with you that there needs to be a balance between strict adherance to your cycle/diet and life, allow for a little living in there...too much of a good thing is just that, too much.