Darkside06's Test Prop/Tren A Cycle


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Ok peep's, I'm about 1 week out from starting my next cycle. It will consist of Test Prop & Tren Ace. I was going to run some Masteron as well but have decided against it.

I'll try to get a few "Before" pic's up before my first pin but these are my stats.

BF%.....not sure exactly but high teens, Been lifting since i was 12. have a few cycles under my belt.

Cycle looks like this.
Test Prop 400mg wk 1-14
Tren Ace 600mg wk 1-12
Aromasin 12.5 day thru end of pct

PCT I will begin with and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast 6 days after my last pin of 1000iu's ED for 10days and then start clomid at 50/50/50/50 and Nolva at 40/40/40/40

As far as diet I will be eating about 500 calories below maintnance so approx 3000-3200 a day doing a modified carb cycle.

My last cycle with tren I saw great results so this time should be even better!
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Nice cycle...how will you split up the jabs bro? 3 jabs per week?

I was thinking of doing exactly this cycle... Test Prop, Tren Ace but also Masteron and Anavar with proviron. What dosages would you recommend for me? I am 6ft 1, 110kg BF about 15% and done 4 cycles before. Sorry to hijack!
I will divide them up into Every otherday pins. I was gonna throw in masteron for 400mg per week in which case I would have had to pin every day because of all the doses but decided against the Mast.

If this is you first time running Tren i would say 75-100mg EOD would yeild you some pretty good results.
What about for myself (and you) wouldnt PROCHEM one rip be a better option?

Per 1ml =
Testosterone Propionate 70mg
Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron) 65mg
Trenbolone Acetate 65mg

And doing 1ml of that Mon/Wed/Fri?
And anavar 100mg ED and Proviron 50mg ED?
What about for myself (and you) wouldnt PROCHEM one rip be a better option?

Per 1ml =
Testosterone Propionate 70mg
Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron) 65mg
Trenbolone Acetate 65mg

And doing 1ml of that Mon/Wed/Fri?
And anavar 100mg ED and Proviron 50mg ED?

Prop and Ace need to be run Every other day...at least. no longer. You shouldn't go mon, wed, friday because then you have to days off between and that is too long. your blood levels will get messed up. Every other day no matter what day it falls on.
I agree....so Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun/Tues/Thurs etc

But 1ml per jab? Or would you recommend 1.5ml or perhaps even 2ml per jab? Why dont you do prochem one rip yourself as opposed your seperated jabs?
I agree....so Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun/Tues/Thurs etc

But 1ml per jab? Or would you recommend 1.5ml or perhaps even 2ml per jab? Why dont you do prochem one rip yourself as opposed your seperated jabs?

It depends on the does, and what solution you're running. If you wanna run 100mg EOD then run 100mg EOD. if it's 100mg per ML then it would be 1 ml, if it's only 77 per ML then you'll have to do the match.
Yeah my training partner is doing this cycle and he is transforming into an absolute monster. Good luck brotha!
So for a prop/tren ace cycle is aromasin enough for an AI? I know some guys run caber or prami while running tren to combat prolactin. Not sure if some people run both aromasin and caber/prami?
Would it be beneficial to do Masteron only while taking Nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct)? I've basically been doing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for 6 years (250mg/wk Test E) and Tren E every once in a while, but can no longer get what I need. Haven't had to look for gear since I4L.com was around, lol.

Sorry, would have PM'd someone but I can't.

No, do not run any AAS during pct.
So for a prop/tren ace cycle is aromasin enough for an AI? I know some guys run caber or prami while running tren to combat prolactin. Not sure if some people run both aromasin and caber/prami?

Aromasin is all I ever use. It's definately enough!

I have never had an isue with Prolactin sides but it's always good to have some Caber on hand just in case.