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Ok so i've been trying for the last 20 minutes to get some good pictures. theseare the best i can do, the lighting in my batheroom sucks and thats the only mirrori got.
ya but if you don't have gyno running Letro can be bad. Letro is very very potent and can crash estrogen and cause a loss of libido and other sides. A lot of guys will not run it because of how highly potent it is. Aromasin is a suicide inhibitor which kills estro and is a better route. You might be better off starting that at a good dose and see if your gyno flares up.I've had great results with letro. Some people steer clear of it because of its sides. Only issue I ever had with sides from letro was when I ran for the first time to try and get rid of some slight gyno i developed. Worked great. Started at .5 mg and each day increased another .5 until I reached 2.5mg and ran that steadily until gyno subsided. That 2.5mg per day did a number on me. Sides were brutal. Now I just run .25mg ed during cycle and have not seen a bit of gyno with none of the harsh sides. To each his own though. It works for me, no need to switch it up.
ya but if you don't have gyno running Letro can be bad. Letro is very very potent and can crash estrogen and cause a loss of libido and other sides. A lot of guys will not run it because of how highly potent it is. Aromasin is a suicide inhibitor which kills estro and is a better route. You might be better off starting that at a good dose and see if your gyno flares up.
Ok so i've been trying for the last 20 minutes to get some good pictures. theseare the best i can do, the lighting in my batheroom sucks and thats the only mirrori got.
12.5mg EDWhat are you dosing aromasin at?
looking swole brother!!!
What are you dosing aromasin at?
I dose it at 12.5 ed. But, I don't have any gyno issues its just to keep my estrogen in check. 25mg ed prob would be a good start point for you. Everyone is different though. You gotta try it out and see.
Darkside let me know how running tren higher than test effects your libido. I've heard tren can shut you down, but I know a few guys who will argue this.
I've ran it higher before and was fine. The only downside is it increases my stamina so i can go forever! lol
Plus, i got caber on hand just in case i ever need it.
2nd pin today. Hit legs and shoulders.....fucking crushed it!
w/u 135x10 w/u 225x8 315x8 365x7 405x4
Twisting lunge
35 x12 x12
Leg ext.
190 x8 x8 x8
Seated leg curl
110x8 130x8 130x6
seated calf raise
90 x30 x30 x30
Seated military press
w/u 95x8 135 x10 x8 x7
DB front raise
35's x8 x8 x8
DB side raise
30's x8 x8 x8
BB shrugs
225 x8 x8 x8
Cable upright rows
100x8 x8 x8
Fucking monster workout!!
good log mate. just ordered from pinnacle and ill be running the tren higher than the test. 450/350 for 12 weeks. is the goal for this a recomp? what cals you going for?
good log mate. just ordered from pinnacle and ill be running the tren higher than the test. 450/350 for 12 weeks. is the goal for this a recomp? what cals you going for?
Ohhhhhh snap!!! If you got the Pinnacle Tren then you are going to be jacked like shit!!! Did you get the Acetate or Enanthate???