Darkside06's Test Prop/Tren A Cycle

sorry for the lack of updates......been very busy and haven't had much of an opportunity to updat ethis everyday but still going strong! got about a week left and then i'll be starting post cycle therapy (pct). all in all this was an awesome cycle for me, the recomp is still going very well!
So hows post cycle therapy (pct) going? I just read 19 pages of your whole log. Most threads anyway. Hope everything is going good.
So hows post cycle therapy (pct) going? I just read 19 pages of your whole log. Most threads anyway. Hope everything is going good.

i took my cycle out another 4 weeks above what i planned so i'm actually starting post cycle therapy (pct) tomorrow 07/07/12
So cycle is now over. start post cycle therapy (pct) tomorrow 07/07/12

Starting weight. 240
Ending wieght 251

Gained 2 inches around my chest/bacl
Gained 1 inch on arms
Lost 2.5 inches around naval/mid section.

All in all very pleased, cycle did what i wanted it to do. now just to maintain my diet to keep my gains.

Here is pic from this morning.

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Dark my brother great job! U did ur home work and the results came in ... U passed!
Just needed to ask what u think might be ur next cycle? Lean out or bulk?
Dark my brother great job! U did ur home work and the results came in ... U passed!
Just needed to ask what u think might be ur next cycle? Lean out or bulk?

I'm not real big on bulking. i don't like running a lot of cycles eitehr, think this next time i'm gonna jump on some hgh for a few months.
good work dark. Im hoping i can have similar results on my upcoming prop/mast/tren cycle. Id like to cut a few inches off the waist and still stay around 250-260. How many weeks did you end up running this?
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good work dark. Im hoping i can have similar results on my upcoming prop/mast/tren cycle. Id like to cut a few inches off the waist and still stay around 250-260. How many weeks did you end up running this?

16. I ended up having a little extra gear and i figured why not, i was already seeing great results. I should have just stuck with 12 weeks. by the time i hit 12 weeks i was definately feeling a little toxic from Tren. I started getting muscle cramps because of the hardening effect it has. Can't imagine what it would have been like if i had masteron in there to, as that makes you hard as hell.

Prop/mast/tren should be a killer cycle bro, but keep it at 12 weeks ;)
Sorry for interrupting your thread, but i would like to ask you guys a few question.
BF%.....not sure.Have done about five test / deca /dbol cycles.

Current cycle looks like this:
Test E 750 mg week 1-10
Deca 500mg week 1 - 10
Dbol 50 mg ED week 1-5 and 30 mg ED week 6-7
I am at my 7th week. Last dbols and 3 more weeks for deca and test E.

I was wondering if it's good to make allmost same cycle like darkside as soon as my cycle ends.

I was thinking somethind like this:
Week 1 - Test Prop 50 ED (week 350mg)
Tren Ace 50 ED (week 350)
Week 2-6 Test Prop 75 ED (week 525)
Tren Ace 75 ED (week 525)
Week 7 break
For my PCT week 1-7 nolva 15 mg ED
Week 8-9 10 days ED 1000iu HCG. When the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is done then clomid for 4 days (50 mg ED) and nolva for 4 days (40 mg ED)

What do you guys think ? All the products i choosed is because i don't get letro and other stuff from my dealer. So i can play with dosages but not with different PCT stuff.
And do i need to make a brake between these two cycles ( like a one week or longer brake between Test E/Deca/Dbol and Tren/Prop cycle) ?

Best wishes.
I need your advice. I'm a first time user. Without Snyder knowledge I did my first cycle.

Was 198lbs now 184 lbs
My calorie intake was about 2000
Body fat at 18%

My cycle test and tren Winstrol (winny) 10 week cycle
Test cypionate 300mg
Tren combo 200mg enanthate and 100mg acetate
Winstrol 100 mg
Pin 2 a week

I never done aas and this is my first time was going to the gym on and off but when I started the cycle I got serious 5 day a week rest on pin days Wednesday and Saturdays also my diet was 1200 calories for 6 weeks and now I increase it to 2500-3000. I need advise on my next cycle or what else can I do to get lean muscle so far my arm look get but I still have to much body fat on my stomach and some tits do to my weight before. Side effect are very little just horny and night sweats once in. While. Also I want to do a next cycle after this one and I need advise on what to take what to take between cycles and how much time between cycles. I also take supplements and vitamins. As far as beach weight I have not seen any increase for the last 2 weeks help me one what is it that I'm doing right or wrong and what would be a good cycle