Dazed's stuff....need help.


I am banned!
I ordered Dazed's "magic solution" and this will be my first time playing kitchen chemist.

Here's the deal: I plan to make 2 different products

-Test Enth @ 400 mg/ml
-EQ Undec. (long ester) @ 400 mg/ml

1) Are these possible w/o pain......??? I am looking for ZERO pain here.
Could I go higher w/o pain!!?! Muhuwuahaha

2) Are the instructions THIS EASY!?!?!

a)Add correct amount of "Dazed's magic solution"

b)Heat/Bake in oven for 45 minutes at 250* (some say microwave for 30 seconds) :confused:

c) filter

AND THAT'S IT!?!??!?!

-thank bro's
That's it.

house1 was able to make 200mg/ml PAINLESS prop with Dazed oil/solvent. It says right now his website that you can make 400mg/ml long ester stuff no problem with this stuff. If you want to try something higher, do a small test batch first.
Just add your hormone to the correct amount of Dazed's oil/solvent mix, warm it slightly, and swirl it up until your hormone is well mixed. (EQ is already a liquid, and Test Enanthate has a very low melting point, so these hormones will go into solution easily)

Filter into a sterile vial, and heat sterilize in your oven.

Thats all there is to it. It should be virtually painless. If it does turn out to be painful, you can always add more of Dazed's oil and dilute it down slightly.
I dont think there will be pain when mixing it with EQ.
i have enan at 500 and it is only slightly uncormatable. i can live with it.

you dont need dazies magic potion either. grape seed/sesame seed will work just fine. both hormones are completely soluable in oil. no solvents needed.

if the enan is too much cut it back to 350 or 300.
doc dazed stuff is awesome -- i finally can take prop--i have it made at 200 mgs per and taking 450mgs at one time every 3rd day with no pain

with the prop --i add powder to the correct amount of solution micro it for 15 secs at first see how it looks then another 15 secs-- i used to just run it for 30 seconds but i burnt my test enanthate doing that lol

so if you decide to go the micro route go in small jumps 10 to 15 seconds-- dont do as i did and make it look like tea lol

after microing it i filter into a sterile bottle let it cool a bit and try a ml to see how it feels the next day

pretty easy bro

about time you made the jump
house1 said:
doc dazed stuff is awesome -- i finally can take prop--i have it made at 200 mgs per and taking 450mgs at one time every 3rd day with no pain

with the prop --i add powder to the correct amount of solution micro it for 15 secs at first see how it looks then another 15 secs-- i used to just run it for 30 seconds but i burnt my test enanthate doing that lol

so if you decide to go the micro route go in small jumps 10 to 15 seconds-- dont do as i did and make it look like tea lol

after microing it i filter into a sterile bottle let it cool a bit and try a ml to see how it feels the next day

pretty easy bro

about time you made the jump

NICE!! Thanks Brudah :)
i dont do prop. i like long esters for test. test is test. hard to do 3g/w doin prop along with the all the other stuff i do.

you guys buy all the daisies potion you want. the trickiest hormone i have run across is 4ADne. i got that working.

if you want i can start selling PBs magic solvent/oil combo. yeah thats it, 1 buck a ml. cheaper if you buy in bulk. ill start production tonight. put in you orders. lololololol
pullinbig said:
i dont do prop. i like long esters for test. test is test. hard to do 3g/w doin prop along with the all the other stuff i do.

you guys buy all the daisies potion you want. the trickiest hormone i have run across is 4ADne. i got that working.

if you want i can start selling PBs magic solvent/oil combo. yeah thats it, 1 buck a ml. cheaper if you buy in bulk. ill start production tonight. put in you orders. lololololol

you know if it makes you feel better to use it then go ahead. its fun to me to sit down and play with this stuff and find out what works. thats what the kit makers do. esp the ones with super solvents.
pullinbig said:
you know if it makes you feel better to use it then go ahead. its fun to me to sit down and play with this stuff and find out what works. thats what the kit makers do. esp the ones with super solvents.

My problem is that I know the basics of the super solvent, and so what if the ratio's aren't exactly the same, it doesn't make the solution any more anabolic, now does it? Also, I'm a cheap bastard and I know I can get the items in bulk (like 16-32oz for ba, bb, peg400, and oil) for what you can get them for per ounce at some of these kit places.

Sure, you have to know what you are doing, but it isn't rocket science either. A few days or so poring over this section will give you all the info you need. And pullinbig is always eager to help you for only half of what you are making.

He's generous that way, lol.