VegasBoy said:
Genetical Challenge what you guys using for liver protection out there since your using d-bol for 12 weeks..
you may be alright now but you cant see whats happening inside you.
Sorry bro, I thought I answered this question in the other thread but I see now that I didn´t.
Primrose oil is the liverprotector of choice, atleast for myself.
I also drink lots of water ofcourse, atleast 5-6 liters ED and if I wake up in the middle of the night I always have a premixed proteinshake in my fridge to drink. Basically just trying to get as much water as possible through my body.
Primrose Oil is taken 3 times daily, morning, mid-day and just before bed.
I also saw you asked about bloodworks in the other thread. Well.. First of I would like to say that I have not been cycling for a year or so. I went to the doctor about a month ago when I got my Propecia prescription. I asked for some basic bloodworks to be done and a couple of days later he phoned me telling everything was in order. I´m not sure as to exactly which tests he did (although he told me on the phone but I got home from work soo damn late the night before and the doc phoned me early in the morning so I was just trying to get a thumbs up or down) but he didn´t find anything wrong with them. I basically had the same testresults as any 24 year old physically active kid would have.
I would just like to explain something about my dosages here. First of, I have to take this much to get any results. It´s as simple as that. If I were to grow from 500mg test per week together with 25mg of dbol ED I would, without a doubt use just that amount of gear, not one mg more. But sorry to say it won´t do anything for me. That would be like flushing the gear or the money spent on gear right down the tube. Some of you also got upset because I "advised" toopowerful4u to take 50-60mg of dbol ED. As my previous post explained, 50-60mg ED is the dose _I_ need (sharing my experiences) and NOT the dose he should be using. But I´ll leave it at that. The truth to be told, I envy guys that grow from small amounts of gear. I think you should go home to your parents, hug them and tell them how fortunate you are since you don´t have to spend even half the amount of money on gear as GC on your favourite steroidboard, Steroidology has to. LOL.