dbol headaches


So dense
Ive just started a cycle with dbol in it(pink thai's) 30mg daily..started yesterday...and today ive had headaches and sorta felt kinda "off". checked my BP and it was a little elevated. Ive got a friend that took the pink thais as well...and had the same thing happen. he stopped taking them after a week. should i lower the dosage to 20mg? or wait it out?

anyone have any experiences like this? bc ive heard either i will still have these sides, or they will go away in like a week of so.
I'm no doc.

But that's typically BP related. It usually eases off after a week or so, but sometimes it hangs in there right up until you drop the stuff.

Nose bleeds are next. Enjoy. lol
Swellin said:
I'm no doc.

But that's typically BP related. It usually eases off after a week or so, but sometimes it hangs in there right up until you drop the stuff.

Nose bleeds are next. Enjoy. lol

damn. does it do this to you? why does it ease up? you would think it would jus get worse. should i lower the dosage??
At 60-80mg I get some of that going on. After a week or two, my body kind of gets used to the slightly elevated bp and I don't get the headaches from it. At 40-50mg I don't get that, but I don't have nearly as much fun with dbol in that range either.

As far as lowering the dose, that's up to you. Unless the headaches were debilitating or my BP scared me, I wouldn't lower it. If the headaches are really bothering your, your bp is markedly higher, or you are worried at all....drop the stuff completely. I can't see 10mg making a bit of difference, but it might. If you are worried, I would cut it out. If you feel okay with it....keep it there.

Either way, there are three major things to look at as far as aiding this situation.

-Decrease sodium intake

-Increase water intake

-Increase cardio

All three of these can help you with this problem.
Agree entirely with Swellin. Suggest you carry on with your cycle at the same dosage, and take the additional steps Swellin has suggested.
Swellin said:
Either way, there are three major things to look at as far as aiding this situation.

-Decrease sodium intake

-Increase water intake

-Increase cardio

All three of these can help you with this problem.


also add aromatase inhibitor