DBol the breakfast of champions ?

Test should be in every cycle even just a trt dose.
If your diet is good and dialled in you can use any compound to achieve what you want to look like. Dbol has good water gains. Weights and pumps.
Dbol is good but you hold water on it. I always liked combining a test base and dht derivative. They compliment each other
Water can be controlled with diet. But if you aromatase easily then you can use an AI. But really ideally no one should use them unless you have to.

Even throwing proviron in there can have mild AI effects and maybe alll you need
Oh. And nolva will not get rid of circulating estradiol so no point. Need an AI to do that
Thanks , can the water be controlled or eliminated with the use of an AI or nova for "drier gains" ?

whatever you do drink the same amount of water you always do and let your diet and training regulate it.
your kidneys and organs need water to function properly and will start to fail if you dehydrate.
Dbol is great for size & strength gains

wait till you reach the mid point of the steroid cycle

(when the injectable steroids have already begun to start working)

then start eating them and watch the magic unfold

this is where you can really get the bol rolling

be careful you may be stronger than your tendons are at this point

also stretchmark are practically inevitable