DBol.....the right way !!!


New member
It appears like DBol has a bad rep around here. Probably from all the young kids attempting to do oral only cycles and have no idea what post cycle therapy (pct) is.

But I wanna know what your guys thoughts are about DBol when done correctly. With Test as a base.

Do you guys like the results ? Is it worth mixing with test ?

Or are there 10 other choices you would pick before choosing DBol ?

We know mg per mg its one of the most potent AAS, but also toxic.

Are there too many risk as opposed to benefits when done correctly?
I don't care what anyone says, dbol is great. Many people feel great on it, but just as many feel lethargic. It has a bad rap for many reasons, water retention is a big one. I personally don't retain much water from dbol so I just get strength and size, some water but not much at all. I love it. Blue hearts are the only ones I want to use these days.

Liver toxicity is overrated. Yes it's harmful and will elevate enzymes, but when used responsibly in a healthy adult, it's not that bad. Elevated liver enzymes don't mean liver damage. In a healthy male they will return to normal upon cessation.

30-50mg a day is great when used in the beginning or middle of a cycle. It needs to be used with test. Drol has similar bad rep and a lot due to bloating yet I know guys who use it during pre comp cutting to keep muscle full.

Now the other reality is orals are really not needed. They are used for our egos just to get a quick boost and fast weight gain when starting a cycle. It won't to any more then a test/deca cycle will over the course of a cycle. Oils aren't liver toxic and will provide more realistic and sustainable gains for most people. But I don't see much water retention so it's not much different for me, the only issue for me, is I typically lose the strength and a few pounds of weight almost instantly after stopping use not matter what oils I'm on.

Dbol will elevate BP pretty fast and I do not like an elevated bp, so it has many negatives, most are overly hyped up on the Internet but for good reasons. Orals need to be used intelligently and in small amounts. With anything, moderation is key, support supplements should be used, ancillaries. There really aren't any supps that will protect the liver from orals but use them to help them return to normal.

Dbol is not a substitute to injectables, not a standalone, not a base of a cycle, and not to be used in teens, because they can cause serious problems but in a healthy adult male it's not anything you should fear as long as you have a brain, but keep in mind a test only cycle can provide the same thing without all the sides. Yes test has sides but is well tolerated at reasonable doses.

I can't say it enough times, after you have put some time in on the basics, experiment and see how AAS effect you, and which work the best for you. We all tolerate them differently but if you have on cycle blood work, which is cheap online, you don't have to guess at how it's effecting your body. Some people may see rapid spikes in liver enzymes from a standard dbol dose, while others may only get a slight elevation, but why guess, get labs and you will quickly learn if it's something worth using for you.
Good D-bol definitely has it's place in a cycle. This is the reason it has become a bread and butter cycle of choice when stacked with test, who has not run a Test+ D-bol stack after being a few cycles deep.

I personally like anavar more than D-bol simply because the quality of the gains is better when stacked with test. D-bol will bring the size and strength on quickly and during a jumpstart to a cycle that is perfect! The qaulity and maintainability of gains are low on D-bol and one should be aware of that also.
sup guys. User has this one covered, but one more never hurt. If anyone is under the impression there is no place for Dbol it is incorrect. A Dbol/Deca/Test stack may be the very best stack to bulk on.... a stack including tren/test could rival it and I think thats about it.

As long as you keep Dbol under 7 weeks, the dosage around 40mg ED, you run it with test (duh), AND RUN AN Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (very important this time) you will make gains and not have any problems from the Dbol, such as high blood pressure.

People who do not know what they are doing give ALL aas a bad rap, not just Dbol. I'm sure most people agree with this post/ Anyone who doesn't may dislike Dbol cause its a lot of water bloat and the gains do go away. The water retention does give you strength. If your repping 315 your gonna make more gains then repping 285 imo. So you got what you wanted.
As long as you keep Dbol under 7 weeks, the dosage around 40mg ED, you run it with test (duh), AND RUN AN Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (very important this time) you will make gains and not have any problems from the Dbol, such as high blood pressure.

Would you say that when stacking DBol with test, your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose would be higher than when running Test alone, or dose the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) does remain the same ?
Good D-bol definitely has it's place in a cycle. This is the reason it has become a bread and butter cycle of choice when stacked with test, who has not run a Test+ D-bol stack after being a few cycles deep.

I personally like anavar more than D-bol simply because the quality of the gains is better when stacked with test. D-bol will bring the size and strength on quickly and during a jumpstart to a cycle that is perfect! The qaulity and maintainability of gains are low on D-bol and one should be aware of that also.

^^ x2

i love dbol. makes you feel great

test and dbol was my first cycle, the best

500mg test and dbol @40mg/day