DEATH...DRUGS..and MUSCLE - by Gregg Valentino


Shopping for Sauce
If you haven't already...pick this up. Death Drugs and Muscle by Gregg Valentino. Whether you like him for hate him...its a great read and an awesome story. They're even making a movie based on his life.
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I disagree. Competing has nothing to do with it. When people think of why steroids are bad he is one of the first reasons many list. People are idiots and don't know the difference between steroids and synthol, so he is essentially the poster child of why steroids are bad. That my friend is an embarrasment.
I disagree. Competing has nothing to do with it. When people think of why steroids are bad he is one of the first reasons many list. People are idiots and don't know the difference between steroids and synthol, so he is essentially the poster child of why steroids are bad. That my friend is an embarrasment.

I agree. It's sad that he didn't have a friend or Family member who would intervene and get him medical attention
He lied and said his fucked up look was from Steroids. I wouldnt give a nickel to that embarrassment to Bodybuilding and AAS's.......

Im not gonna sit here and try to convince everyone that he's not an embarrasment. But i used to think he took synthol too. But Ive spoken to him personally. And he says its from localy injecting...and usuing dirty needles. He had 20inch arms before he juiced. Then he got hit with a basball bat and a hematoma formed. Causing him to get surgery. But if you notice...he doesnt have arms like a synthol user. Synthol users have balloon arms with no shape whatsoever. Greggs has shape and muscle to them. But anyway...what can you do right? Cant please everyone...

BTW....the media is nortorious for making shit out to be something thats nothing. We all know that what he did is not the result of steroids. Its the result of IMPROPER steroid use. Theres a difference.

check this out
YouTube - E60: Super Freak
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synthol users have weak forearms... it's the case of G-valentino.

also he did good evolution when he was on steroids, but he fucked himself with no-sense purpose of steroids rec-dugs, and also synthol. he an other tube he said, he got surgery cause he used a seringue after she was fallen on floor of his bathroom.
they already did a documentary on him "the man whose arms exploded" I think it was called, do we really need a movie? He is entertaining I guess, but an idiot also
Dude you're really trying to say his arms weren't pumped with synthol? Cmon man.... Steroids don't make arms look like those. He might be a decent guy and what happened is unfortunate but that doesn't change that he casts a permanent black cloud over bodybuilder & steroid users because of abuse and obvious misuse.

As for the pins he used that fell on the floor...?!!?!? Pins are cheaper than dirt, that's just retarded !
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And what Kane said is true- he did look good as a young BBer.....just went too far... In all fairness, would I watch something on his life story ? Absolutley.