Deca 450 & Cyp 300

Do you guys have any more feedback on the Prime Labs gear? I've got some Clen from there and so far they seem like sugar pills to me. Far from real clen. Any thoughts
The Prime Labs stuff is 100% legit.
It's the highest quality I've run - packed on solid 15lbs with the last course of 2 vials.
I've done 2 cycles of the test 400 / deca 450 (prime labs) and 1 with that Watson suff that's been floating around... Found out later the watson was fake.

In the last month a local Miami dude (same guy with the Watson) has been counterfeiting prime labs. Selling grapeseed oil with prime labs labels. it's pretty easy to tell though cuz all the vials have clear tops (not the colored like the pics)
P.M. me if you want details on the d-bag
Hey can u call me please or text 305 6083403
Prime labs gear is awesome

I just got off a 10 week cycle using prime labs dbol pills, teston 400 and deca 450 and I love it. I packed on 25lbs and the dbol pills gave me so much energy and explosive strength.... I live in Miami...
Now I got the anavar pills test propionate and winstrol it's time for my cutting phase.. I can't wait to seethe results and finally get my 6 pack....

Prime labs is def official to me
i have heard of this ugl lab before , never ran it though. has some mixed reviews, did u get online or local. id bet local cause i heard lab was down, but maybe they back up ...

maybe someone else can be more help, only one way to find out ! please make sure to update with results if you run it.

good luck
hey horbss hows that cyp 300 working for you. I just got myself a bottle like yours. everything is the same except i think mines the liquid is a little darker but i can't get a good look at your bottle.
Hello, I also live in miami and wanted to know if anyone has seen the prime labs I have, and if so.. If there legit. Thanks in advance.
im from miami too, probably gonna give this lab a try, they have "super bulk" a crazy test blend dosed at 500mg imagine the pip on that
Hey can u call me please or text 305 6083403

yea bro you shouldnt post your number lol, i googled your number and saw youre a ceo of a biscayne pool and spa or something. Got your name, then looked you up on facebook, you got a wife and a daughter. lol you're crazy man
yea bro you shouldnt post your number lol, i googled your number and saw youre a ceo of a biscayne pool and spa or something. Got your name, then looked you up on facebook, you got a wife and a daughter. lol you're crazy man

are you talking to a guy who made 2 posts and hasn't been on this forum for 2 years? you aren't going to get much of a reply.

By bumping this thread, notice the previous posts were in have also drawn more attention to his phone number than would have ever come otherwise.