Deca and Tren


New member
I've been searching here for some info/opinions running some tren with my current cycle, which is
1-4 30mg dbol ed
1-12 500 omna/wk
1-12 400 deca/wk
10-14 100mgprop/ eod
10-14 50mg winny/ ed

want to add tren with the prop and drop the Winstrol (winny) but I believe I've read that deca and tren together is a no no. Currently at week six and everything smooth so far.

yeah its a no no, some can tolerate it, but they are definitely the minority, Deca + Tren in most users will cause prolactin induced gyno, this is gyno that Nolva will not help but will actually antagonize. The only things for this type of gyno are Cabaser, Cabergoline, Dostinex and of you cant get any of these bromocriptine. My advice is not to try it, if you have already bought the Tren, wonderful, just less you will have to get for a nice Test/ Tren cycle. Good Luck

Also do a search in this forum for prolactin, SCNTO published a great article about prolactin.