deca cycle??


New member
I have taken 3 cycles of fena in past year and a half and i am planning to take a cycle of deca. from what i have heard deca is a once a week shot is that right also how many mg's should i take a week? i do plan to start my cycle stacking it with crystal fena.
How many MGs a week? Well that depends on how much you want to take.

I'd advice that you take some sort of Test with it... DECA will shut your test levels down, and you wont be able to get an errection.

If thats not important to you, then go ahead and run deca alone.

If I were just going to run it alone (which i wouldnt) I'd ran at least 500mg a week.

Make sure you have proper post cycle therapy (pct) lined up. You're gonna need a lot of Clomid to get your boys back up to par after this cycle.
You need to do a lot of research my brother. Hit the search button at the top of the page and look for some of your answers... maybe you'll get a better concept of what you're doing.
Have you ever taken a test or deca cycle before? If not start with a test only cycle and see how you react to it before adding in the Deca.
yeah dont do deca alone, heard of deca dick? And as said, it will shut you down hard and be tracable for along time.

Go with test E instead. 250-500mg/week.