deca durabolin , blast and cruise ? ( half wit )

Charles Bronson

old timey gentleman
halfwit mentioned on another thread you cruise deca year round?

man i love the way deca feels, can you share what dosages/durations protocol you adhere to? blast and cruise?

I've always cycled on and off, blast cruise makes way more sense for an old bastard like me

my joints really suffer when i come off deca, like aging 10 years in few weeks

anybody else run deca year round?
Ive heard people running 250mg ew as part of their trt protocol. Doing this has crossed my mind if i ever go the trt route. Im interested in the potential negative effects of prolonged deca use.
You can cruise on 100-200mg weekly for the joint benefits. See what dose works best for you. Ideally you would take the least needed while cruising.
halfwit mentioned on another thread you cruise deca year round?

man i love the way deca feels, can you share what dosages/durations protocol you adhere to? blast and cruise?

I've always cycled on and off, blast cruise makes way more sense for an old bastard like me

my joints really suffer when i come off deca, like aging 10 years in few weeks

anybody else run deca year round?

I go back to 200mg/wk when not blasting, which seems to be the sweet spot for me. I haven't had to up my AI, and everything comes out great on doctor-ordered panels.

Blasts really vary, but I'm on 600mg/wk at the moment with tren/mast/test. I don't think I'll ever come off nandrolone to be honest, as the years of powerlifting/manual labor caught up to me lol.
I've just added it to my protocol at 250mg per week, three weeks in and no obvious estro related changes as yet, although I know it's early days.
I'm really hoping the thickened synovial fluid helps my elbows and knees long term.
I don't know how others feel about this, but nandrolone really mellows me out. I'm naturally edgy normally, but recently added 250mg/week of deca to my 250mg/week cyp and it seems to have a calming effect on me. It also seems to calm my acne quite a bit. This is my first cruise with deca and there are no other variables. AI dose is the same. My previous cruise I added 50-100mg of proviron and also included that in this cruise. This cyp/deca/proviron cruise has been the best so far. No water retention, muscles look hard and full, staying nice and lean, and sense of well being is off the charts. I hope this protocol is sustainable long term for me. So far blood work has been AOK.