New member
I have used deca in many of the cycles I have ran in the past and I feel it does help keep my joints from being so achy. There are some draw backs too. The long half-life can make it difficult to time your pct. I see a lot of NPP now and if you stop running the deca several weeks before your cycle ends that will go a long way in taking care of that issue at least. I don't no if NPP has the same affect, but if you are using it for that purpose, then you don't need to run a high dose anyway. I always run deca at 1/3 the dose that I'm running test at. For joint protection you can most likely use even less.
I'm in my early 40's and joint pain is a problem, especially when I'm lifting heavy in a bulking cycle. I think that is were deca really shines. I only run it in bulking cycles. When I am cutting I use much less weight.
I'm in my early 40's and joint pain is a problem, especially when I'm lifting heavy in a bulking cycle. I think that is were deca really shines. I only run it in bulking cycles. When I am cutting I use much less weight.