MPRTZ <> Good to hear from you again, and thank you.
So with regard to your "reconsidering HRT" comment, admiteddly, I am not feeling a drastic change in my being, but I am well aware it hasn't even been 10 weeks. As
LUCIUS, put it, "...the effects of testosterone are glacial", and I am willing to be patient. That said, I understand the longer I go, the harder a restart becomes. As for incorporating the Deca, I am not wed to administering it to myself though I have paid for & will be receiving it. I have sort of a running thread in the HRT Subforum in which I asked about the following, but it has fallen on deaf ears... or at least, hasn't received any response: My Doc prescribed the Deca @100mg 1x wk for 8 wks in addition to my standing Cyp @200mg 1x wk. I was thinking of dropping this addition of Deca to 80mg 1x wk for the full 10 weeks. I was hoing to hear some thoughts on this because, off hand, I am hypothesizing a few angles.
- 1) 80mg is not enough to aid my tennis elbow, and at this dose it extends the cycle to 10 weeks with it's half-life extending to 13 potentially causing greater HPTA disruption?
- 2) A 100mg @8 week duration is a shorter cycle in which might have less effect on longer term HPTA disruption & therefore a restart.
- 3) The Deca induced HPTA disruption is a somewhat moot point as I'm on HRT (t & hcg).
With regard to my E2 status, as I cover in the aforementioned thread, I'm scheduled to finally get my female panel on Monday. Consensus here dictates that there is no issue since the Doc has me on 2mg 'strozole a week (1mg. 2x wk) to combat 180mg cyp/20mg enan (1x wk) & 500iu HCG (2x wk). Furthermore, I am not presenting any symptomology consistent with inappropriate E2 with the exception of a propensity to lose wood mid sex... this though I attribute to being a fat fuck. I could be wrong; we'll see soon enough... schedule permitting.
As for the Doc, to paraphrase
LUCIUS - he's the best kind, there when I need his advice & guidance, but hands off enough to allow me to navigate the experiment. Alas... it is, but a "medical practice". Admittedly, he does not seem extremely well versed in explaining the big picture of HRT, but again, I honor the respect that extends to his patients whereas it expects patient involvement... rather demands it. If you are not willing to engage some due dilligence, I don't think HRT is for you. Again, I must admit I jumped in head first as AAS are no strangers to me; not from extended use, but from previously being a longtime gym rat. I had studied AAS adnauseum for years, I was a member here in its first days (forgot my password) - even before here when this was previously
OneMoreRep. I have forgot so much it disgusts me, but I am enjoying refreshing my memory and integrating the new technologies into my thoughts. Only difference is, now I'm an old fat fuck that seriously need make some lifestyle choices, and after coming back with a T reading of 208, I took the jump. But I digress...
STAUNCHED <> Did you jump right in at 200mg a wk & realize said relief, or did you start lower & have to raise to 200mg for the results you wanted? And then to qualify this context a bit for my application, are you a heavy lifter in which are really bashing your joints with max's & negatives or more a high rep "physique guy"? My interests are obviously to alleviate the pain of my "tennis elbow", and I am not under the stress of weightlifting.
EVAN <> With regard to "well being", elevated E2 can present moodiness/mood swings/depression/irritability, lethargy, LOW libido, etc. The "biggest indicators" of tangible physical symptomology are acne, gynecomastia, edema, and high blood pressure. Notable mention is that it can play with your lipids & can cause insulin resistance, as well, which can be a cause for the aforementioned lethargy... specifically after meals.