Deca / Ethanate / Propionate / Trenbolone


New member
Just starting 4th week of cycle, this is how it looks so far...
450 mg's Deca
400 mg's Test Ethanate
150 mg's Test Propionate
had some good starter gains for now good shape and frame forming feeling awesome,
Bout to start taking Dianabol 10mg's .. 4 to 5 a day for next 3 or 4 weeks...
Would it be too much to stack Trenbolone Acetate into this?? Aparently its quite strong but runs well with Deca / Ethanate.
I Have 50mls so can have abit of fun with it if anyone has any feedback would be much appreciated.. Ill be looking to up test eth to 600mg's a week and prop 200mgs and keep deca at 450 for next 6 weeks.
Have novaldex on hand but havent touched anything to date.
so should i maybe hold off on the deca because i only have 1200 mg's left of it before getting another bottle.. or run the deca and lay off the trenbolone... spewing i got the tren today for a good price =D
can some one school me on adding deca an tren because i heard a good stack would be deca, tren, and test prop
How about some stats....age, weight, height, ~bf%, lifting experience, and a detailed cycle history.

Sorry, im 24, 93 kg's - 204 pounds and im 189cm.
Ive trained well for last 4 years but had an injury last year which kept me out for awhile and lost afew kgs due to it.
Training 4 days a week and this is first cycle.. Havent had a body % check for awhile but id say 12-13%.
Im getting awesome gains in shoulders, tri's, delts & legs but not as great on chest. Ive always found it easy to gain in those regions in past
this is first cycle..

OK.....totally forget about the Tren, and the D-bol too.
Do NOT up the doages of either the test enanthate or propionate.

I sure hope you don't run into any negative sides because you'll never figure out of it's the Test or Deca. This is why we always preach only ONE steroid for your first cycle.
Imo, drop everything except the Test-e. This is ur first cycle bro. Bump the Test-e up to 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. For 1st cycle u are going overboard in a big way. Imo I would put the rest of the gear up for a later cycle! U need nothing more than test. Honestly I suggest u research everything u have and learn some things about 1st time cycles. Definitely wait on the d-bol, deca, and the tren. Those 3 u really need to learn about. Also research post cycle therapy (pct) it will help as well. The cycle is WRONG for a first timer imo. Not being a dick, just being honest. The fellas will give u all the feedback u need on this cycle..
I'm on npp/tren/sus and I have NO man boobs here :dunno: 400mg tren-e and 100mg eod of npp and thats a form of deca. Never say never :)

But being your first cycle? It should be just Test....I agree 100%