Deca has kicked in, need some help


New member
I'm on week three on my test/deca cycle. Cycle is 600mg test and 400mg deca weekly. As well as a prop kickstart 100mg eod. For first two weeks.
Both test and deca are sit into two injections per week. No longer on prop already finished.
Gear has kicked in feeling strong, libido is up. Put on 6-7 pounds mostly water.
I'm having severe abominal water storage. I know it's water casue after I workout my abs pop back out. I'm also having stomach pains and headaches. Not test flu feelin though. My nipples are puffy so I have been taking 50mg nolvaED and then .5 liquidex from rui eod.

My question is do u think the headaches and nausea are from deca or the serm and Ai? Also any other ways to reduce bloat? Besides diet. Like any good supps or herbs? I was looking into dandelion root.
Also first time using deca as week as the brand of nolva and adex I have. Previously used oral version this time I'm using liquid from diff labs
I have bloods on the way got labs done on wed should be ready early next week. I only got my total T and free T done. I am short on cash atm could not afford a full hormone or blood work. Which has me very worried I need to know my hemocrit and estrogen. Just got bombarded by bills, broken car and new uniforms. Hopefully next pay period I'll be able to get a full blood work. I will stop by pharmacy and use the blood pressure machine there. I had it done first week of cycle and it was excellent but things change.
How is 50mg of nolva sound if I see slight puffy nipples? I don't have lumps or tenderness but they are hard like its cold out. Even when. It cold. Never had even the slightest signs of gyno first two cycles so I don't think I'm prone to it at least not test E maybe with deca or the prop. I an to use 50mg nolva ED till I see nips go down them try maybe 20mg Ed or eod and keep adex at .25 eod maybe every 3 days depending how it feels. How does that sound to you guys
U DO NOT have gyno, RELAX

And 400mg deca is gonna do very little as far as causing water retention, as long as your diet is good
Do you have prami or caber just in case? It's low dose so you should be good.

Oh, and you don't have gyno. You're wasting nolva.
Just donate blood. That will lower your hematocrit?

You don't have $50 to get the Hormone Panel for Females at Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online How much did your pay for Total and Free T?

Have you done a Test only cycle at your current Test dosage? Were you able to manage your estradiol on that cycle?
Also, from what I understand, aromasin is the only ai you can take effectively with nolvadex. Arimidex and nolvadex have contraindications and subsequently lower the blood levels of one or the other making one or the other less effective. Vets-please chime in on this as I'm nearly certain I read that in a previous thread.
Also, from what I understand, aromasin is the only ai you can take effectively with nolvadex. Arimidex and nolvadex have contraindications and subsequently lower the blood levels of one or the other making one or the other less effective. Vets-please chime in on this as I'm nearly certain I read that in a previous thread.

Bro you need to go get bloods for $50 like Megatron28 is sugesting to you. Take the guest work out of this and see where your estradiol is and rbc and hematocrit + much more.
Bro you need to go get bloods for $50 like Megatron28 is sugesting to you. Take the guest work out of this and see where your estradiol is and rbc and hematocrit + much more.

Strong Man,

I'm not the OP. That's louman. (I'm BigGains). I noticed something on this thread that seemed wrong, so I chimed in with that question/comment about the contraindications between the two (arimidex and novaldex). Can you reread my post and let me know your thoughts? Thanks!