What is Your opinion why a lot of people, not only gym rats but i think all competitors ( Pros or National ), use Deca/NPP/EQ in Off Season and keep off Tren while gaining time? Is it only about sides from Tren? Or with Deca/NPP/EQ You can gain more muscle mass ( i mean lean muscle, not numbers on scale or fat/water )?
Which one blast is stronger/more anabolic/better for add muscle tissues:
1. 1g Test + 500mg Tren
2. 1g Test + 500mg Deca or NPP or EQ
What is Your opinion why a lot of people, not only gym rats but i think all competitors ( Pros or National ), use Deca/NPP/EQ in Off Season and keep off Tren while gaining time? Is it only about sides from Tren? Or with Deca/NPP/EQ You can gain more muscle mass ( i mean lean muscle, not numbers on scale or fat/water )?
Which one blast is stronger/more anabolic/better for add muscle tissues:
1. 1g Test + 500mg Tren
2. 1g Test + 500mg Deca or NPP or EQ