deca/test cycle , gyno flare up glands help

thanks for ur input man just trying to figure out what my path of acction should be after my post cycle therapy (pct) either to wait cause some ppl told me my hormones will balance after post cycle therapy (pct) n it should go away o nits own or 2 get letro
Personally I would do your PCT as planned and see what happens a couple of weeks after.

Honestly I have pubertal gyno and am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). It is always very slightly noticeable, but the interesting thing was recently I went on vacation and due to circumstances dropped my test for 4 weeks. I have never seen my gyno so small as it was at the end of those 4 weeks. So I side with the guys that say let your hormones balance out and see what happens.

If it is still there then look into the letro option, or if you want something slower but gentler raloxifene.
ok well i got a couple days left pct 2-3 did nolva clom combo, the main concern is they look puffy n i jus rlly want that 2 go away the lumps rnt big or visable mayb the cause for the puffiness in the nip tho idk .. so id appreciate a couple more opinions i appreciate all input / advice n thank u all for u time ,help, and consideration..

**also***got blood work done everything is right where it should be .. was thinking about in a week or two running a straight epistane cycle for a couple weeks 4-6 i heard people running it much longer but to see if that would help speed up the process or remove it all together heard lots of good things and figure since its tendency to eliminate estrogen it cant hurt.. also wouldnt mine shredding out a bit more for the summer*** please give opinions on this and if you think it would be good idea to look into before opting for somthing stronger like letro
HEY GUYS heres update i waited couple weeks off cycle after pct and still had small lumps / puffiness ,... also nipple gets hard very easy change in temps and such and it seems that the nipple itself has enlarged not sure if thats because its getting so hard and looks bigger because the puffiness / lumps behind it or what..

after seeing no change i jumpd on epi cycle for cutt and to see if it would help did 3 week epi at 30/45/45 then epi/halodrol im on now for about 2 weeks .. i dont see any change what are your suggestions?? should i hop on letro?