Deca/Test Cycle (Used for mainly Joint pain Relief)


New member
Ok so ive been doing a great amount of research the past 2-3 weeks. Ive heard that Deca Durabolin has the potential to help with relief from chronic joint pain.

Info on me:
Height:5ft 10 in.
Weight: 150 lbs

I have for the last 9 years suffered from chronic joint pain throughout my entire body in each and every joint. I have been going to the doctors for the last 9 years as well and have been on a whole list of medicines, (pills , as well as injections) Ive had dozens and dozens of tests run on me as well. In doing all this ive had no relief.

Now its been 2 years since i gone to the doctors (quit going because of no results). It has become so bad and the pain so unbearable that im willing to try ANYTHING. Its getting hard to walk and the pain makes me so irritable. Its hard to make it through the work day , starting to develop a limp too.

Its been 2 years since i ve worked out but when i did i was serious about it and had some good lift stats.
Im 75 % worried about my joints and 25% worried about strenth gains.

What im thinking of trying:
10 week cycle of deca 200 mg / test 200 along with a PCT after the cycle

Any other suggestions (steriod speaking) would be appreciated. Like i said ive tryed everything so all else is out of the question. If theres a 10 % chance of it working its WELL WORTH IT to me.
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HGH OR GHRP-6 with CJC-1295. Your situation sounds serious enough that you really need to consider blasting GH more than steroids bro
HGH OR GHRP-6 with CJC-1295. Your situation sounds serious enough that you really need to consider blasting GH more than steroids bro

Jusr did some research on your suggestions and it does seem like a possibility. You have any personal experience? Any way to give me a source on that?
at 3 yrs old, my english bulldog would barely walk due to severe hip displaysia
he had 1 knee surgery, partially tore the other

at that point, i put him on 70mgs a month of deca

he went from barely being able to walk, to running all day every day
i can tell when he needs another shot as his activity slows down and it takes him awhile to get up

it has helped his quality of life by leaps and bounds and he will be on it till the day he dies

if you truely have joint issues, i would do it
I'm not giving you cycle advice, but before I got on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I had tons of joint issues. The fact that you are only 150 lbs tells me the entire story. Your digestion is off for aren't digesting food properly, you probably have low testosterone...etc. Testosterone alone would do you wonders if you are indeed low as proven by a blood test. I would see your doctor and start there before you start injecting yourself with random things from underground labs. I would never promote that because all sorts of random shit like arsenic has been found in them. I'll bet you reputation points your testosterone levels are under 350. Go see your doc and get treated.
SEVERAL Board sponsors. Look around and make your own choice.. GH-P's are legal for experimental research here in the US. I personally have found outstanding results in experimentations on my 3 male lab mice!
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I have osteoarthritis is both shoulders, both hips, my tail bone and I just had knee surgery. I can tell you without a doubt that steroids and Deca in particular will not do anything so solve your problem. I've learned that it's just something that we have to live with. The only thing that has given me any mild relief is Celebrex.

You can get treatment from a chronic pain clinic by referal from your famly doctor. That has also given me quite a bit of relief. Steroids are not going to help you. They will only hurt you further bro.

Studies on Deca only say that bodybuilders find it easy on the joints with some added lubrication durning a cycle. There's is nothing else to add to that...
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