

I have a bro who is going to run the two...he wants to run the Winstrol (winny) eod....injecting...first cycle and he is looking tio gain some size and slim up....

any ideas...

gaining size and slimming up with deca seems to be an oxymoron. Deca is usually accompanied with water bloat, not ideal for someone tryin to cut. Is there any test in the cycle, and at what dosages bro?
shoot the Winstrol (winny) ed, and add some test, preferably prop, might as well if u are shooting Winstrol (winny) at least eod
Sounds like a good starter stack. I run my V eod and have never gotten bloated from 300-400mg Deca. I think your bro will enjoy himself. Good luck, bro.:hahano:
deca/winny make a good combo for lean gains, some people do bloat from it. how about getting him the run eq/prop/winny he will get the lean gains he is after, without the bloat.
T_MAN said:
deca/winny make a good combo for lean gains, some people do bloat from it. how about getting him the run eq/prop/winny he will get the lean gains he is after, without the bloat.

Deca is the devil!! J/K, I just dont like how hard it shuts you down! I would go with the above combo, or just test/eq for a first cycle!