Delt Infection


New member
Hi guys, this is my first post.

I just started a cycle of Test E 250. Im running 500mg per week. Last week was my first shot and I did it to my thigh. I had some good pain for about 3 days Two of those days I was slighty limping. I got over it though. Figured it was my fisrt shot no big deal. This past Sunday I did my second in my right delt. I used a 25g 1 inch needle. There wasnt really any pain in the injection. I was vrey sterile. I few hours later I was able to feel some tightness. Well the next day it went all down hill. I could barley move my arm and I then had the flu for 2 days. I also had a pretty good knot under the pin point. Today is the 4th day and I dont have the flu at all and my arm still has some soreness but no where nearly as bad. I still have the knot and know its red and a little swollen. Its hot too. I'm not sure if I should wait a couple more days just incase it gets better. It seemed like it was going in the right direction until it started to get get hot and swollen. I dont currently have any ins. right now so Im trying not to go to the doctor unless I really need to.

Please let me know what you think. Also if you can dub down the terms I would really appreciate it. haha
What I have found is if I get too low on the rear delt there is not enough blood flow or something to spread it out.

Make sure you are getting high into the muscle. I use a 1.5" 22 ga pin on myself in my delt and that is really the only place I pin. I would not worry about it though it does not seem like you have an infection if it does not get better in a few days I would see a doctor.
Ok well thats good to hear. What do you think about training? Its very tight and when I use some effort to move something it starts to hurt and feels like something might tear in my arm...I just want to make sure I dont irritate by working out.
The other thing that you may have done is injected too quickly. I have never had this happen because I go at a snails pace but I have read and heard from friends that if you go to quick and get too much velocity from the pin i.e. too fast or small of gauge you can stretch the facia inside the muscle. Dunno though might want to look into that as well.

As far as tearing something I don't think that "Can" happen from the gear. At least I have never heard of it before. I would suspect the site is just a lil bit sore so put some heat on it and get back in the game. If you don't hurt worse from lifting than pinning step it up :redhot:

I am kidding bro trying to add some levity to the situation.

May want to switch gear too maybe there might be too much alcohol in it? That is a total reach by the way I am now just hypothesizing.
I had my friend inject and it took about 1.5 minutes for 2 ml. I figured that was slow enough.

Ya I didnt think I would actually tear something. haha I was just trying to explain the actual feeling. I can see how I made it seem that way though. I would just hate for it to get worse and then be out of the gym longer. I just want to grow! but I have to be smart at the same time...
The weird thing is there are times when I literally do not even feel the pin or the sauce go in. I mean I don't even know that it is in there. Then there are other times that I do it and it feels like a fucking railroad spike in my arm for days. at any rate if you are sterile and liberal with the alcohol pads before you pin you should not get an infection. I am anal as fuck about things being clean with my gear.

Good luck man!
Ya I mean Ive done two other cycles before but this was my first time with test e. Ive had some bad pins and some good ones myself. This was the worst its ever been by far, so I was just curious. I was very liberal with the alcohol swabs too.

Thanks for your opinion on everything though!
it is funny you say that about the alcohol lol. Sometimes I don't let it dry all the way and for real that shit hurts way worse. I make sure I fan it off with my hand until I feel it is real dry then I pin. For real man I am a total pussy about pins and pain.
haha its all good. Im fine about the pin pain. I mean I have a lot of tats so Im kind of numb on it but my arm being swollen, knots that are 3 inches long, bad pain when I move in a wrong way really fucking sucks! Its more then a after work out sore. When its over Im gonna hit the gym that much harder but I was just afraid it got really infected...thats the last thing I need right now when Im trying to reach my goals
Look, it only costs $60 or so for a doctor visit and most pharmacies have $5 prescriptions for antibiotics so theres no reason not to go. If you can afford the gear you can afford the $65 to fix this.

If youre running a fever or feel flu-like you should go. If its just localized redness and pain then i wouldnt worry about it.
My doctor visits are a lot more then that. It comes out to about $150 at the walk in clinics over here. I look more into it see if I can find something cheaper. When I had Insurance it was that cheap but I dont now.

I did have the flu like feelings for 2 days but now I dont. Its now just swollen, redness and some pain with a good knot.
Dude I don't know about the tats. I am a pussssssay when it comes to needles. I might say fuck it though and go mike tyson and get one on my face and some shit. I don't know if some of my clients would approve though.

Totally kidding. Face tats are for lil' wayne only.
lol I was glad you were joking! Well if you get a tat, the only thing I can advise is get something meaningful. I have some shit I regret. Maybe one day you will build up the courage...