Depression caused by Low T


New member
So against all better judgement i used AAS at 19. Did two cycles in one year and saw phenomenal results. I got exactly what I wanted from steroids. I achieved the body I wanted and lost all interest in "being unnaturally huge." I thought I was done taking steroids for good.

But now I'm turning 21 in a couple months and mentally I'm just not in a good place. There are tons of changes going on in my life (new friends, long distance relationship with gf takes a toll emotionally, broken hand - twice etc.) but I almost feel like it's low test from the damage I undoubtedly did to my HPA while cycling.

I feel depressed, foggy minded, my sex drive isn't where it use to be... basically a myriad of low T symptoms. If it weren't for these specific symptoms along with blood results that show 350 ng/dl total test (bloods from months ago, new blood results coming in Monday) I wouldn't be blaming all my problems on steroids, but to me all signs seem to be pointing to that.

I can't seem to focus on day to day tasks and I have no drive or motivation. No passion. I don't know where I want to go in life and I can't seem to figure it out. I feel like my mind is in limbo or something. Now I spend a lot of my time worrying about what possible problems I've caused myself and struggling with the reality that I may need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 21.
At 21 you should have a lust for life. When I was in my twenties I had drive, ambition, motivation, and a sense of well being. When I hit 30 thats when it went down hill. I could not focus on shit. Sex drive went down, you name it I had it. I started drinking and putting on the pounds. I've been on test for a few years and it has changed my life. I feel like I'm in my twenties again. Do what you have to do to get back on track. Good luck brother..
It is very easy to blame a foreign compound for such complex changes in the way you feel...I know, I've done it. Low testosterone can clearly have an effect on the areas you mentioned, but it is not the only thing responsible. As I've said before, the causes for loss of motivation, energy, libido, etc. are vast. Rarely are they attributable to one change in a person's life.

What else has changed? Do you feel that you are confident that steroids have caused this problem? How long have you been 'natural'?
When was the last time you had any bloodwork done? And what were the results? At your age I wouldn't touch ANYTHING until I had some bloodwork done. Your issues are not "normal" for someone your age. Just from what I'm reading, I'm thinking it might be more psychological than physiological but would want bloodwork done to R/O (rule out) any possible chemical imbalances. You have listed quite a few stress factors that would impact your health significantly.
Well I do smoke weed. I never use to but I've been consistently smoking for about 5-6 months now.

I got blood work done back in November 2011. My total test was 350 ng/dl unfortunately my doctor at the time was a female and almost refused to check my test levels even after telling her I had messed with AAS. She didn't even check free test or any of the other important factors such as LH and FSH.

I found a new doctor in Orlando, where I currently am. I got bloods done with him. The results were:
Total test 247 ng/dl
Free test 47 and LH/FSH all normal ranges. The total test dropped for 1 of 2 reasons...

1) I went out the night before my blood work and got tanked
2) I messed with tren ace for 1 week after my blood work back in november and it was enough to shut me down. Significant testicular atrophy after one week. But i did a proper post cycle therapy (pct) and size came back.
It is very easy to blame a foreign compound for such complex changes in the way you feel...I know, I've done it. Low testosterone can clearly have an effect on the areas you mentioned, but it is not the only thing responsible. As I've said before, the causes for loss of motivation, energy, libido, etc. are vast. Rarely are they attributable to one change in a person's life.

What else has changed? Do you feel that you are confident that steroids have caused this problem? How long have you been 'natural'?


Read your own post brother..low test, gf pains, broke hand 2 in one year.

Your inability to change things...and the inability to accept this ...well....

You are me in the making.

Get your test squared away, quit punching shit, move or get a new main squeeze, or cheat..and it WILL come back around.

I promise.

Patience man
i dont want to sound negative,im on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and have been for 6 years now,and im still depressed,bad anxiety,ocd as posted as above get blood work done and maybe check your thyroid checked,test makes me feel better sometimes,but im still on a shit load of meds for it,but to ive had alot of shitty things happen to me that i just cant get out of my mind either

Been there man, and I'm 42 now. Never had testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but curious to know if you are on anti-D's or anything similar.
Depression, anxiety, all that sht runs in my family.
Sounds like you need some self esteem before anything else.
just my 2cents.
Good luck man.
You should probably do a post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks, did you after your first 2 cycles? Pick up a test booster while your at it too.