Depression going into PCT?

Loaded Gun

Work In Progress
I have done some reading about post cycle therapy (pct) and peoples' experiences just looking for more input. After going into post cycle therapy (pct), I was really depressed, not wanting to really leave my house so I did not go to the gym for about 2 1/2 weeks and didn't want to be around people much at all. I'm fine now and getting back into the gym regular, but did lose 10 lbs from the total of what I had gained at peak. So, is it typical to have a depression like this after the cycle is over and going into post cycle therapy (pct)?

I have read that people have sides associated with Clomid and/or Nolva, I incorporated both for my post cycle therapy (pct) and have had no sides that I can tell. I also did my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at the beginning. My balls are pretty much back to the size they were, so that's all good, but noticed that I do not have as much volume of ejaculate. I did not have any loss or repression of libido at all going through post cycle therapy (pct). Is that all pretty consistent of what is normal occurrence?

Oh, and I cannot wait to get back ON!!!
What gear? Test is rough coming off depending on how much, how you ramp off, when and what you do for post cycle therapy (pct), diet, training, sleep. Complete lack of motivation sounds familiar. Did you run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or any anti-aromatase/esters when you were on?

Depression self-feeds too. Get some sun and look for reasons to be happy until you crawl out of it.
3 different types test e, axio, gp, z (had issues)... 250mg/e3d, 25mg proviron ed, aromasin 25mg/ed, 4 days off then Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast 500iu/ed x 10d (no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle), clomid/nolva 4wks. training 5x5 program ((1)bis/back, (2)chest/tris/shoulders, (3)quads/hams/calfs/glutes) 6 days on/1 off... diet clean at the beginning and went to shit at the end... sleep generally 8-10hrs/night
So 2500 mg s t every 30 day s ? No post cycle therapy (pct) and the subsequent return to natty production come close to what you felt like on cycle.
pct basically consisted of a 10 day blast Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu/ed, then for 30 days nolva 10mg, clomid 50mg. I actually got blood work done about 4-6 weeks after that and my levels were actually better than before the cycle....
testosterone (free)20.16, testosterone (serum)576, psa 0.3, igf1 162, estradiol 26, cholesterol total 194, hdl 48, vldl 16, ldl 130, tsh 3.160, t4 6.5, t3 uptake 32...

Basically my testosterone was raised and my cholesterol went down. My testosterone before the cycle was 417, cholesterol went down slightly.
Clomid will elevate natty testosterone levels for weeks and possibly longer after you discontinue using it. Eventually the levels will drop back down to what is normal for you pre cycle.
I got depressed/anxiety as well during post cycle therapy (pct), using toremifene citrate this time around. Tried clomid, I didnt like it much, I never "felt" as though I was recovering for what its worth
I m the most emotionally fucked mod if not member on this board.

Chlomid CAN lead to emotional downturns...a friend of mine once was reading a hallmark card and got choked up...and he is a don t give a - uck kinda guy.
Depression sucks, just try to stay around positive people. Write post-its/stickies all around your house as a constant reminder of WHY you're doing this and how bad you want this. Remind yourself constantly about your goals and how amazing you will feel upon accomplishing them. You are not alone in this, kick yourself out of the house on a sunny day. Let the air flow through you and give you a reason to live.

Stay strong brotha :)