Diabetic trying to cut fat on cycle help plz!


New member
Ok so here goes 6' 31 yrs old 204lbs BF 20% running 2ml e/w test 400 comprising 200mg enanthate 200mg decanoate 0.5mg adex eod currently on week 6 and gaining well, my problem is a while ago i got a diet set out for me with help on here my marco's are good and i am running a calorific deficit of around 500 cals, BF has dropped from 23% to the now 20% that took 3 weeks of hard work and diet change BUT the fat loos has stopped i am not gaining fat but nor am i reducing, i don't want to be messing about typing my diet again as i know its good i merely wish to find out if i should be doing more cardio or if i should drop some more cals or even start using ECA my training is as follows - 6 days a week - mon chest - tues back - wed legs (light) and cardio (30 mins treadmill) - thurs bi's and tri's - friday shoulders - saturday legs light again and another 30 min cardio and core and ab workout - does anyone want to tweak my routine or should i just keep at it and the fat will drop off?