Dianabol later in cycle instead of kickstart


Well-known member
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience using dbol later in a cycle as opposed to kick start? Most seem to suggest using it to get the cycle going but I'm interested in using it later to keep progress moving as the cycle slows down. Maybe around week 8 or 10 of a 16 week run.

Is this sound logic or am I better off starting with it? This is for a 16 week run of cypionate 600mg week. Maybe it makes no difference either way just curious on thoughts. Thanks
Hey man... Listen when ever adding in a compound in a cycle your body type , current stats and your GOAL for the cycle all can play a roll

Just FYI, you may have heard me suggest to many guys is to get familiar with the Steroid Profiles.
It is really important to know everything you can.

Your goal and length of esters. Also how you react to the aromatization. Ok so I would not add Dbol in the cycle middle or end if you have never done it before. When using as a kicker you have time to balance bloods , hence adjusting AI.

If you don't want the Kicker then I often just plug in
Test "P"... Test is Test so all you might have is a spike that can get you past some plateaus. By adding Dbol later since the aromatization is so high it could play havoc with E2. At the later date you need everything go smoothly and a big fluctuations can raise BP , change appetite and water problems. Maybe!

IMOP I just would not add Dbol.

-- remember "Keep it Simple"
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both philosophies work.. most use it to kick start.. some use it as the cycle impact goes down nearer to the end.. there is no wrong answer there
Thank you gentlemen. I'll do some more reading and reflecting based on your advice. Appreciate the responses
both philosophies work.. most use it to kick start.. some use it as the cycle impact goes down nearer to the end.. there is no wrong answer there

Yes right on ^^^. But just to notes suggestion as both can be used, it is only IMOP, that I think the later should be used more when it is a seasoned cycler.

Monitoring the physical sides is needed when plugging in other compounds at the later wks,.

Maybe that explains better.
I think that's a good Question for people considering. Please keep in mind that as we cycle more it opens the experience to not only knowledge but the getting to know your body. Knowing and understanding how you feel in relation to all the sides. IMOP depending on the person, how they handle water retention and the balance of it all while you are trying / or as you are finishing.
Both work but you should know your body.

Thanks OMM. Since I am on trt do you think it would be better, or be any benefit, to running the dbol after the cycle? Since I am not recovering anyway, perhaps this method would give me better odds of controlling sides and learning the compound better? Just curious. Feeling pretty sure I will leave it out of my cycles for now
Ok my man I will be honest and admit that some others are better to answer your last inquiry.
Again however there are many now opened more Q's. Don't wanna go there yet... Some many Q's as to what you meant doing Dbol after cycle . Gotta be running test (TRT) or not. So I apologise I'm not understanding what you mean. Sorry ! Not trying to make this too big a deal. But again some good Q's and hopefully we can learn something.

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Thanks OMM. Since I am on trt do you think it would be better, or be any benefit, to running the dbol after the cycle? Since I am not recovering anyway, perhaps this method would give me better odds of controlling sides and learning the compound better? Just curious. Feeling pretty sure I will leave it out of my cycles for now

I'm noob so dont really take this as advice, its just me avoiding going to bed lol ;)

Since you are on TRT, i personally feel as, just go for it. Make sure to adjust your AI, optionally increase the dbol dose during initial week to get a "feel"
Optionally get more BW to see if you're dialed in on AI/Estro etc.
Have your "off aka trt" and then try it as a kickstart for next cycle ?
You can also just drop the dbol if you feel its to much, getting sides etc, should be out system by next day anyhow ?

If i was on TRT, i'd try some crazy but researched shit, because, why not ? :p
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Ok my man I will be honest and admit that some others are better to answer your last inquiry.
Again however there are many now opened more Q's. Don't wanna go there yet... Some many Q's as to what you meant doing Dbol after cycle . Gotta be running test (TRT) or not. So I apologise I'm not understanding what you mean. Sorry ! Not trying to make this too big a deal. But again some good Q's and hopefully we can learn something.


Sorry man. Just meant run my regular cycle (600 cyp) for 14 to 16 weeks.....then as soon as I'm done start dbol at say 30mg per day. Was thinking this might make sides easier to control if my test levels were dropping to trt/ normal levels.........so that I wouldn't be fighting the sides of dbol + sides from the big test dose. Guess it sounds crazy. Lol
I will let ya know what I decide and also let ya know what if any issues I have controlling estrogen.
Sorry man. Just meant run my regular cycle (600 cyp) for 14 to 16 weeks.....then as soon as I'm done start dbol at say 30mg per day. Was thinking this might make sides easier to control if my test levels were dropping to trt/ normal levels.........so that I wouldn't be fighting the sides of dbol + sides from the big test dose. Guess it sounds crazy. Lol
I will let ya know what I decide and also let ya know what if any issues I have controlling estrogen.
When do you plan on starting your cycle bro? Looking forward to your logs :)