New member
I have been doing SwoleCat's diet(I cant post his diet because that would be unfair for him but it is mostly keto with cycling of carbs and an emphasis on timing) for the past year or so when going in and out of my cutting stage. However, I feel I have reached a point where it is not optimal to my body. I am currently 5'8", 210 lbs. about 11% bf. I am really having trouble losing my trouble area's, lower ab and fat around chest(from nipple to lats)....I have vascular arms, shoulders, legs, etc but can just not make progress in my trouble areas. I even cut back my lifting to only 3 days a week while doing cardio twice a day, once in the am and in the pm. 4 days a week while cardio at least once a day 7 days a week. I have established a fear towards carbs. I have had good progress on Swole's diet but would like some other opinions on cutting diets. Thanks