diet issues


New member
Hi guys I wonder if you can advise me...........

I always go to the gym in the morning and because I start work at 11.30 I think I am missing out on a meal.

I eat some oatmeal, white eggs and a banana in the morning (7AM)
I then go to the gym at about 9.00AM. My workout finishes for 10AM. I usually have a protein drink and another banana but my problem is that I cannot eat a decent meal till about 4 due to work committments. I can, however, slip in another protein drnk at around 1.30.

I am trying to lose fat and gain muscle and I know I need some carbs post workout, if I did not have work I would normally eat a jacket potatoe and cottage cheese + salad at around 12. What should I do.
not sure where u work but can you not take food packed and eat it? if not and you say you can have a protein shake you might want an MRP or two

Also ditch the banana post workout
fruit = fructose which are not the type of carbs u want right after the gym
I got this shitty job dealing with customers, its a gambling hall actually. Can you recommend me something other than a banana? This is my diet :

7.00AM - 3 to 4 egg whites, Oatmeal with water, Banana
9.00AM - Gym
10.00AM - Myoplex MRP (I will drop the banana)
12.00noon - Jacket Potato, Low Fat Cottage Cheese, Salad (Having difficulty getting this in because of work)
1.30PM - Protein Powder
4.00PM - Chicken, Rice, Veggies
7.30PM - MRP Myoplex
No food after this
Plenty of water throughout day

Training 2 days on, 1 day off

Can you guys recommend me some alternatives, suggestions are most welcome
Oh yeah by the way:

Afternoon shift - I work from 11.45am to 3.45pm (strict 10 min break at 1.30pm)
1 hr off
Evening shift - Work from 5pm to 10 pm (strict 10 min break 7.30pm)
In the break times I barely have time for a protein drink.
that sucks dude... im in the military and we get to eat on duty... i usually grab as much food at meal times as i can and bring it back to work with me, so i can eat in between the 3 meals a day, i can usually grab enough food to make it so im eating like 5-6 times a day
Man - I feel like i'm in prison or something. In this day and age a jobs a job - you know. Helps put the protein powder on the table!!!!
juiper said:
I got this shitty job dealing with customers, its a gambling hall actually. Can you recommend me something other than a banana? This is my diet :

7.00AM - 3 to 4 egg whites, Oatmeal with water, Banana
9.00AM - Gym
10.00AM - Myoplex MRP (I will drop the banana)

After training you want to get in Carbs and Protein. Myoplex is a decent product but it contains a protein blend and not enough carbohydrates. The protein blend includes casein which is a slow absorbing protein. Post workout you want quick absportpion so you want to get some Whey protein. As for carbs you want to take something that will spike your insulin like dextrose/glucose. You can get some whey isolate, mix it with some dextrose (Around a 2:1 carb to protein ration with roughly 50-100g carbs. What i do is mix it in a shaker bottle before training and then after training just add water, shake and down). If you want something ready packaged than buying whey and dextrose seperately(usually works out a bit more expensive) then a good product is Pro recover by Chem nutrition. I've used it and it was good but mixing whey and dextrose work for me fine.
12.00noon - Jacket Potato, Low Fat Cottage Cheese, Salad (Having difficulty getting this in because of work)
i take it you have your lunch break at 4 right?
What time do you actually start work?
if you're finding it difficult getting propper food at work at this point then an mrp could be a good idea. Can you possibly keep food on your person and sneak bites whilst no one's looking? ;)
1.30PM - Protein Powder
What protein powder are u taking? does it have carbs?
Taking protein on it's own isn't the best thing you can do. Taking it with carbs is a good idea because then the protein can be used for what u want it to be used for. You can actually skip the carbs and replace them with EFAs too
4.00PM - Chicken, Rice, Veggies
what kind of rice?
7.30PM - MRP Myoplex
No food after this
what time do u go to bed?
Plenty of water throughout day

Training 2 days on, 1 day off

Can you guys recommend me some alternatives, suggestions are most welcome

Also you should add some good fats in ur diet

Fish like salmon
flax (linseed) oil
Nuts and natural nut butters
olive oil (not heated)
would be nice to add the essential oils to the salad if u can
Doesn't seem like you're getting enough calories or fat. Those are good ways to drop your metabolism and testosterone into the gutter ultimately sabotaging your fat-loss goals within a short period. You want to feed your body in such a way as to work as a fat-burning furnace not starve it.

I would definately mix in some egg yolks with those egg whites. Cut out the banana post-workout, but mix your Myoplex with grape juice. Start drinking half of the mixture just before your workout, and drink the other half just after your workout. Replace your regular potatoe with a sweet potatoe. Replace your lowfat cottage cheese with the full-fat variety. Have at least one or two cheat meals on the weekends with friends to upregulate your metabolism and keep you motivated.
no i wouldn't mix myplex with grape juice post workout

Firstly as stated above, Myoplex is a protein blend. The absoription is slower

Secondly , Grape juice, whilst high GI is mostly fructose and will do more for replenishing liver glycogen than muscle glycogen post wrokout
which is definately not what you want
Wow guys - loads of info, thanks. Its great, let me give you as much info as possible.

Muay Thai Guy let me answer your post first step by step:

1) I can get hold of Pro Chem products at cost (my mate owns a gym) so I will source the Pro Recover.

2) I start work at 11.45am, I would get sacked if I got caught with food on my person. That is where my problem lies, because I would down a Pro Recover at 10am, a mrp at 11.30am (just before work) but what do I eat at my break time? (1.30pm)

3) I take the Prolab Whey Protein. I don't know what EFA's are. Any suggestions?

4) Rice - Uncle Bens white rice, boiled.

5) Bedtime around 11.30pm. A little later ( sometimes all of 7mins later)if I need some sex, which I do at very regular intervals!!!

6) Didn't know there was such a thing as good fats. But I can add the olive oil to my salad no probs.

InjectyourSpinach :

Let me tell you how I arrived at the above diet. Obviously I have alot to learn but I have done my best.

Weight = 180lbs (82Kg)
%Body Fat = 22.5% (you can see why I need to lose fat and gain muscle)
Lean Body Mass = 140lbs
Therefore, I need 1400 cals per day to stay still.
As a moderatively Active person I think I need approx 1960 cals a day (1400 x .4 = 1960cals a day)
15% of these cals should be fat which leaves 1666cals
Protein cals = 140lbs x 1 = 140 grams
Each gram of protein = 4 cals
Therefore, 140 x 4 = 560 protein cals
That leaves 1666 - 560 = 1106 carb cals
1106 divided by 4(every 4 cals is equal to 1grm of carb) = 276.5 grams of Carbs per day.

I eat 6 meals per day, that means in each meal I should get 46grms of carb and 23g of protein.

OK - I understand so far. Everything else after this just confuses me.
I want to lose fat and gain muscle, what do I do? I think I am supposed to further reduce my caloric intake by 15% but I am not sure.
Can you guys help? I have learned alot already. Thanks.
Muay Thai Guy said:
no i wouldn't mix myplex with grape juice post workout

Firstly as stated above, Myoplex is a protein blend. The absoription is slower

Secondly , Grape juice, whilst high GI is mostly fructose and will do more for replenishing liver glycogen than muscle glycogen post wrokout
which is definately not what you want

Myoplex is slower, yes but although not ideal, it is still very effective especially when cutting wanting to prevent fat spillover during insulin spikes. Grape juice actually ranges between a fifty-fifty mix of glucose and fructose to slightly more glucose than fructose depending on type of grape and vintage, much like Sucrose (table sugar). And Sucrose has been shown to be very effective for muscle glycogen replenishment after training. Grape juice has been commonly recommended by creatine companies who want to see their customers good results. They recommend it because it is good at shuttling nutrients one of which is glycogen directly into the muscles. In the unique window during and after training, the glucose portion of grape juice goes directly to fuel/replenish the muscles while the fructose goes to the liver first and then in turn because of the window a large amount of that converted fructose has a chance to be taken up by the muscles from the liver.

I think it's mostly a matter of what's IDEAL versus what it is still quite effective. Yes, a Hydrolized, Ion-Exchanged, Micro-Filtered Whey protein mixed with the perfect ratios of Dextrose and Evian Spring Water would be ideal to maximize certain responses, but a mixture of Myoplex or a cheaper Whey protein with some grape juice is still very effective.
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Juiper: that is okay for some initial weight loss, but I think over the long-term you will be happier with the results you can get from some other types of diets. If you do some searches, you can read up on other approaches that others have found effective. Do add the olive oil to your salads, and if you can get slow cook brown rice to replace the Uncle Ben's instant white, that would be another change you should make right away. Good luck.
By the way, the EFA's (essential fatty acids) are easiest to get from: Olive Oil and Natural Peanut Butter for your Omega 6's and 9's and Fish Oil or fatty deep sea fish like Salmon and Mackeral for your Omega 3's. A valuable addition for your fat loss and overall health.
I can make the recommended changes.

I can add a whole egg in the morning meal and add the sweet potatoes as well.

In regards to trying other diets can you point me in the right direction maybe even suggest a diet plan?

I have provided most of the info you may require in this thread, I want to have a long term goal of getting down to 10% bodyfat. A week ago I was at 22.5%, this week I am at 21.2% - but I want to stick to a plan that will give me the goal I require.

I have been reading books by Chris Aceto, I think the key here is to follow a diet that fits into your lifestyle and something that is attainable in terms of food and cost.

If anybody can give me a diet plan I will make the necessary changes, perhaps even look for another job as my priority at this moment in time is my bodybuilding and diet.

Thanx in advance
An Isocaloric Diet approach is effective, easy and reasonably low-cost to implement. A high-protein approach is also good, but it can cost a bit more. A Cyclical Ketogenic approach is I believe the fastest without pharmaceutical help, but it can be damn hard for some people and honestly eating reasonably healthy on that type of diet costs a bit more than other diets.