Diet to help me quit smoking...


Denial is not a river!
Hey there! I know that sounds weird, but I have a neighbor that smoked for 30 years and she started a raw foods diet with no intention of quitting smoking. But after 3 days of cleansing her system, cigs tasted like sh*t to her and she has stopped for a year now. So... I am convinced that her diet somehow helped her quit. I have been living a healthy lifestyle my whole life but stepped it up once my son was born. The only thing that stops me from being completely healthy is my damn cig addiction. Does anyone have any tips or diet suggestions that can help cleanse out the cig toxins from my body to make it easier to quit? I have tried cold turkey, I have tried to cut down, etc. I just have no will power on this one thing! It drives me insane and every time I light up, I am disappointed in myself. Please, I know it's a long shot that anyone would have information on this but I have to try. Also, the whole raw food diet won't work because I have to cook for my son every night and it is not logical monetarily wise to make 2 different meals, (unless it is for a short amount of time?). I don't know if that sounds weird but I am pretty broke right now, quitting smoking would save me 200/month!
What triggers your urge to lite up? Sometimes, It's getting to the root cause of the problem. I smoked for 2 years after my ex and I split up. I have been cig free since Sep 2011. When my ex and I fight I would lite up a cig (he stresses me out).

I slowly reduced the amount I would have, when I wanted a cig I would replace it with a walk around the office. Eventually I weened myself off, I was a cranky b**** but I figure my health is more important for my son and I so I stopped buying them.

it takes a great deal of will power, Good Luck
Stress and socially are my weaknesses. Things like what just happened are triggers. The guy I broke up with last week's wife just called me. omg... wtf is wrong with these guys, seriously!? Anyways... I really do want to quit smoking but it seems whenever I am ready to something stressful happens and I give up! Its 3am here and I cant sleep.
No bueno- sorry about the stuff you are experiencing, try to find something else to use (as a stress reliever) when you get the urge to smoke. Easier said than done I know, it took me 3 months to finally kick it, now I cannot even Stand the smell let alon the taste of a cig.
California people and their natural remedies :)

I don't know if that method will work or not but it doesn't hurt to try it Sassy! In the end when you really get ready to quit you will since you are an intelligent woman.
California people and their natural remedies :)

Lol I would not have believed it unless I saw it with my own eyes. I would do the raw foods diet but I really don't want to lose any weight, I am already thin enough. I really do want to quit tho. I feel like everything else constitutes a healthy life except that one thing... grrr...
You can't quit an addiction unless you're ready 100% mentally and emotionally to quit. I have worked in the addiction industry for the last 10 years and it doesn't matter what your specific addiction is - you have to want it. Period. You have to be willing to put in the work. Period. It's all about baby steps and changing your lifestyle.
Change jobs if you need to.
Change friends if you need to.
Change your phone number if you need to.
Move if you need to.
How far are you willing to go to achieve your goals?

Having said that, you need to replace one oral fixation for another. So yeah, your neighbor's diet makes sense in how it affects her. Develop a new healthier habit in it's place.
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Do NOT replace the smoking with another habit, this is a big mistake many people make and unfortunately it's becuase they have an addictive personality.

Good luck! J

This I have to disagree with. Replacing an unhealthy habit with a healthy habit is a proven addiction therapy technique. If someone has an addictive personality, they NEED to pick a healthy habit to replace it or an unhealthy habit will pick them. That's all part of teaching people to live with an addictive personality.
Yes, I am totally mentally ready to quit. I actually do not have an addictive personality at all. Cigs are my only dependency. A lot of it is def mental, I can go the whole day without a cig if I have them in my purse but if I run out, watch out! I do want to quit like no other.
I feel like everything I do in my life constitutes a healthy lifestyle except smoking. I do not smoke a lot but enough to call myself a smoker.

@stevenmd None of those things are really stressful to me. I love where I live, my job and everyone in my life (minus that one last x'd out person). Things that are stressful in my life right now are uncontrollable things, like the trade costs going double overnight, being the sole provider for my son, etc...

I have thought about hypnosis. It worked for my sister, she was a really horrible smoker and she went 2 times to a hypnotist and quit. The thing is, she smokes weed so I am pretty sure she just replaced one addiction with another. I do no drugs and hardly drink.
Yes, I am totally mentally ready to quit. I actually do not have an addictive personality at all. Cigs are my only dependency. A lot of it is def mental, I can go the whole day without a cig if I have them in my purse but if I run out, watch out! I do want to quit like no other.
I feel like everything I do in my life constitutes a healthy lifestyle except smoking. I do not smoke a lot but enough to call myself a smoker.

@stevenmd None of those things are really stressful to me. I love where I live, my job and everyone in my life (minus that one last x'd out person). Things that are stressful in my life right now are uncontrollable things, like the trade costs going double overnight, being the sole provider for my son, etc...

I have thought about hypnosis. It worked for my sister, she was a really horrible smoker and she went 2 times to a hypnotist and quit. The thing is, she smokes weed so I am pretty sure she just replaced one addiction with another. I do no drugs and hardly drink.

Awe yes, the stress of being a single parent. I know it all too well. Sometimes I have to take it one day at a time, watch every penny. It gets really hard sometimes but I focus on the gym. As crazy as it sounds, when I get stressed I walk in the bathroom and look at my body in the mirror and remember how it looked before, when I was 240# FAT. I remember all the hard work I put in to lose 50# of fat and then gain all that lean muscle to the 225# I am today. I remind myself that too much beer or too many cigars or promiscuous sex or eating junk food would ruin everything I worked for. I want that better body MORE than I want those vices. Glad to hear you don't have an addictive personality.
I know how it is, When my mom died when I was 18 I found her pack of cigs and smoked 5 to the head and it felt like my brain was robbed of all it oxygen.

Then I slowly picked up the habit. One nite, I by told myself that when I wake up I'm not gonna smoke shit. It's was pretty hard but after the first few day passed by it was like nothing, I was able to notice the scent of the smoke in the house, my clothes and the shit stunk.

I say try to bite the bullet again and just keep "NO SMOKING" inside your head. If you have grips for your forearm or a stress ball that would help when you fill the urge.

Don't be defeated by it, Go to war with that addiction, Do not allow it to win!
patches really work. Its the habit of holding one after food or for the toilet, but the cravings can be taken care of by just having patches. You work down from the patches. It took me 2 months to get off patches and I would still think about smoking for about 2 minutes a time, 3-4 times a day, until around month 5. Now its over and I can run better, train harder....
patches really work. Its the habit of holding one after food or for the toilet, but the cravings can be taken care of by just having patches. You work down from the patches. It took me 2 months to get off patches and I would still think about smoking for about 2 minutes a time, 3-4 times a day, until around month 5. Now its over and I can run better, train harder....

yeah I get winded pretty easily even though I run a lot...
12yrs is a long time, but remember you were able to stop while you were pregnant with you Lil boy, so the will power is there. You can do this, maybe if you just need to see the pack in my purse (as a visual effect) a tool to help you ween off them. I kept an almost empty pack in my purse for months, would only smoke when I would get tattoo'd, then eventually I didn't need a cig at all anymore, I was finally ready to throw away my pack.
12yrs is a long time, but remember you were able to stop while you were pregnant with you Lil boy, so the will power is there. You can do this, maybe if you just need to see the pack in my purse (as a visual effect) a tool to help you ween off them. I kept an almost empty pack in my purse for months, would only smoke when I would get tattoo'd, then eventually I didn't need a cig at all anymore, I was finally ready to throw away my pack.

The reason I didn't want to smoke when I was preg was because the smell made me yack. It was worse than looking at raw chicken. The moment I was out of hospital, I wanted a stogie.

The empty pack in the purse is a great idea. Maybe with one cig in it so I know its there and I just don't want it. I will try this along with the patches and diet (using carrots for my hand to mouth). I have a full pack now but will leave the pack in my purse once there is one left. Good lookin' out. I'll keep you guys posted on how I do....