hey all new here!
could you please cheak out 3js free diet help thread for my post and come back here to offer me any advice?any help would be awesome1
hey.names james
bmr 1811.8
tdee 2174.16
diet:where to start....
at the moment im undergoing chemo for hogkins lymphoma so im only
eating when im not feeling unwell and when im hungary(which is not a lot of the time)
this also presents another problem in the unknown form of steroids i am injected with
every two weeks.
my normal diet on a daily basis will be shyte and will make everyone on this forum cringe lol
but is usialy a few butties an eggs on toast and then some
kind of chicken or tuna pasta with tomatos.
its not till weekends that i actualy eat 3 meals and will more often than not contain lots of veg
(carrots peas cabbage brocoli and coli ect) and a full english but the biggest problem is the 2 large rebulls i
drink prettymuch every day.
now for exercise,
i do not do much but i do spen atleast 45 mins a day walking and will very soon be starting some
cardio in the form of the recently purchaced bike.i know i should also team this with some
lifting and will as soon as i have purchaced dumbells.
i was hoping you could advise me on calorie intake then a breakdown of fat/carb ect for each meal and i will fill in the gaps(i will marry the food to the values you suggest)?
i am 23 yo 5 foot 10 and 89 kilos
thank you in advance for any kind of help and or advice you can offer to me
look forward to hearing from you all
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