Difficulty Sleeping (any OTC or remedies?)

Ambien is sketchy. I've seen too many train wrecks with that drug. I'd recommend something else. It's in the benzo family. I always recommend people read the Stanford sleep study. It lists a collection of things not to do before sleep. My insomniac friends and family are usually doing something on the list. And my sister was doing the entire list (reading in bed, coffee after lunch, wine, television, eating late, changing sleep/wake times, etc). Take a look at it. sleep.stanford.edu/sleep-disorders/
Ambien is sketchy. I've seen too many train wrecks with that drug. I'd recommend something else. It's in the benzo family. I always recommend people read the Stanford sleep study. It lists a collection of things not to do before sleep. My insomniac friends and family are usually doing something on the list. And my sister was doing the entire list (reading in bed, coffee after lunch, wine, television, eating late, changing sleep/wake times, etc). Take a look at it. sleep.stanford.edu/sleep-disorders/

Ambien is not a benzo. It is a sedative/hypnotic and although it can produce similar effects to a benzos it is a NON benzo. Can it be habit forming? Yes. Will it for sure? Absolutely not. If used responsibly it can be very helpful for people who suffer from insomnia or other sleep issues.
Yes you are right. I should have said it works on the same receptors as the benzos. I've just encountered a number of my cohorts that have had issues with it. Just my two cents....
Yes you are right. I should have said it works on the same receptors as the benzos. I've just encountered a number of my cohorts that have had issues with it. Just my two cents....

Oh understand what your saying completely, just wanted to clarify. Any of these types of drugs, if in the hands of the wrong person, can be VERY hard to come off. Ive used it, i still use it but VERY sparingly and only when I feel I really need it. Ill go weeks without taking it, then use it for a couple days. I find just a day or two will put me in a good sleep rhythm for a week or more sometimes. Strange, but hey, works for me! :)
You become cannabis dependant when doing that... Thats why u can't sleep

I use this plant daily for years... and sleep much better with it in system.. but have also gone years without... its better with for me. but not everyone is the same. I do have spinal/back pain and migraines and use it medically for that. safer than pain meds or sleeping pills thats for sure : )

I would rec Kava kava aswell for sleep, mood and anxiety, a combo of both is nice too. but mostly just use cannabis because its enough to help
For some reason the marijuana argument.. even when just talking about THC alone, candies and such.. never goes over well around here.

I think if it made the transition to non-smoking altogether it may be widely accepted. Any kind of inhalation of smoke is more harm than good, I don't care how medicated (high) you get. The use of vaporizers has yet to be proven good or bad on the throat and lungs. But, there's food and oils.. seems like the obvious choice for a health minded individual..

I think most are just skeptical about it's real positive effects, because it's always been associated with only getting high. Times are a changin'!
more harm than good?
show me one study done in peopel who DONT ALSO SMOKE TOBACCO... you wont find damage... actually protection... they even found LESS damage on smokers of tobacco and cannabis than just tobacco alone... trust me look into it yourself in ACTUAL research. not bs talking know it alls.
actually there has been medical research shoing no harm from even smoking cannabis due to the pros far outwaighing the cons... irritation has been seen but no damage and it actually opens and relaxes the airways (depending on how much plant material there may be a short period of irritation and then followed by relaxation.)
and a vaporizor is infact been shown safe and is even used in hospitals with cannabis for people too sick to go out or who want least harsh way of inhalation... research studies NOT in the USA mostly.... because in USA they have been geared to trying to find the bad.. inplace of just finding what IS....
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more harm than good?
show me one study done in peopel who DONT ALSO SMOKE TOBACCO... you wont find damage... actually protection... they even found LESS damage on smokers of tobacco and cannabis than just tobacco alone... trust me look into it yourself in ACTUAL research. not bs talking know it alls.
actually there has been medical research shoing no harm from even smoking cannabis due to the pros far outwaighing the cons... irritation has been seen but no damage and it actually opens and relaxes the airways (depending on how much plant material there may be a short period of irritation and then followed by relaxation.)
and a vaporizor is infact been shown safe and is even used in hospitals with cannabis for people too sick to go out or who want least harsh way of inhalation... research studies NOT in the USA mostly.... because in USA they have been geared to trying to find the bad.. inplace of just finding what IS....

when looking into a treatment for my sleep apnea.. I found that marijuana was an alternative medicine treatment for sleep apnea, , due to its calming effect on the air ways.. probably one reason why I sleep better when I occasionally take it at night

side note: my sleep apnea has completely gone away this last week having cut carbs completely out of my diet the last 11 days,, I've had no thc in a few weeks,, yet my sleep apnea is gone and I'm sleeping great,, not sure how carbs effect that, but it has for me
Melatonin helped me alot. with my schedule being a rotating one it was hard to sleep. now i work a constant 8-4 and with a little help from sleepaid and Melatonin i been sleeping well. i dont take it often anymore tho
I use this plant daily for years... and sleep much better with it in system.. but have also gone years without... its better with for me. but not everyone is the same. I do have spinal/back pain and migraines and use it medically for that. safer than pain meds or sleeping pills thats for sure : )

I would rec Kava kava aswell for sleep, mood and anxiety, a combo of both is nice too. but mostly just use cannabis because its enough to help

I recommend the same thing. If you have access to a medical dispenary, go for an Indica dominant strain if your goal is to induce sleep. And the dependancy for sleep at worst will cause a few restless nights sleep after the second night, but the best way around it is to utilise other sleep aids for those few days or really tire yourself before bed. Using cannabis every single night after a while you get that, using it a couple times a week you will be fine.

Other than that Antihistamines work, but can leave you feeling drowsy the next day and flat. Vivid dream inducer though.

Benzos do work, but the physical addiction means depending on the half-life on the benzo using it can lead to a withdrawal when used excessively. Benzos are not to be taken lightly, but once a week or so shouldn't cause problems and in that case a shorter half life benzo is usually better. Benzo addiction is not fun, I've experienced mild Diazapam withdrawal after taking it every weekend at 50mg total every saturday night for a while and sometimes during the week albiet low doses 5-10mg and withdrawal came on at the 8 day mark and continued for 3 weeks until it fully dissapated. This was proven after taking a .25mg Xanax short acting benzo removed all symptoms for a couple hours then came back harder so.

Then there is Valerian.

Opiates (again, dangerous and potential for addiction, do not fuck with it if naive this is a strong warning Opiates and Benzos have addiction potential so be aware, not everyone can control their use to be used as an occasional aid in which is fine, but the line between abuse and use can blur quickly!!!)

It all comes down to the best IMHO is Indica Dominant Cannabis. Sativas can keep you buzzy and awake. Meditation also works, nothing bitchy about it, and cannabis synergies with medication to the point where you will easily be able to put yourself to sleep everynight easily with practise.
Sleep has always been a big issue for me. I have settled on ketotifen to knock me out when absolutely needed.
Ive tried many things that many have mentioned in this thread but I have settled on that for my last resort.
Recently though i have switched to using kratom, red vein thai and bali to help me relax at night and they work great to overall relax me and put me into what feels like a natural sleep pattern. I havent had to take the keto since I started taking the kratom.
The worst for me was trazadone. My issue with it was if I didnt get to sleep within like a half hour of taking it wold keep me up for half the night. I mean I was AWAKE. That was awful.
kratom works for me as well..

no hang over, feel calm and content

the trazadone shuffle, thank god that stuff is ancient history for me..

i had the same experience, either put me out or kept me up