Dining at restaurants...


New member
I had a question this morning from another forum member and I thought it would be a great topic for discussion.

Dining at restaurants...

By now you my diet (ahh um, Georgia where's my check?) and how religious I am about it. Yup, I've done it for 27 years now without so much as a cheat day anywhere in there.

So, do I go out to dinner ever? Do I eat at restaurants?

Yes! I know, that is a shocker.

Well, in fact, I'll go out to diner with the wife and kids about once a week.

We go to the regular chain-type family friendly places - Outback, Longhorn, ect.

I have found that most of these places will gladly bring me a plain grilled chicken breast and a plain sweet potato. If they don't have sweet potato, I go with a plain baked potato.

Most of these places cook up their potatoes, both sweet and plain, wrapped in foil with nothing more than a little salt added to the skin. That works great for me.

Now, I generally avoid the rice they serve since it is typically cooked with butter and oil.

As for the chicken, most places are using frozen chicken breast from some food service distributor like Sysco. These breast are no different than the one's from Sam's or Costco that are sold frozen.

So the meal itself is pretty easy. Chicken and baked potato.

Now, the other topic discussed was drinking alcohol. I don't do it. I can count on my fingers the number of times I've had a buzz. This is not a religious thing. I don't thing its a sin or anything like that. For me, my body doesn't do well with alcohol. I feel like crap the next day after 2 or 3 screwdrivers. So, to avoid the negative effects, I opt out of alcohol altogether.

For the average person, a couple of drinks to get a little buzz would not likely be an issue. The problem comes in to focus when you start getting sloppy Capital D-runk.

That is going to force your metabolism ot shift its focus toward the production of an enzyme call Cytochrome 450. It is the enzyme that is produced by the liver to facilitate the alcohol dehydrogenase reaction. It is a very labor intensive process for the body and it's production can affect the metabolic processes for up to 36 hours afterwards. So, don't get sloppy. It is just that simple.
I agree. No alcohol here either. Now I eat pretty clean most of the time...at home!

I have been craving some Chinese fried rice and shrimp rolls though! Lol
That's TRUE dedication. Going to restaurants and seeing fat and calories and sweets and etc. EVERYWHERE...and still sticking with the same ol' chicken and potato. If I eat somewhere I look up the nutrition facts first...if I'm going to cheat it's going to be barely.

I respect you greatly for having the willpower to go to Longhorn's and not just plow into a huge mouth-water steak.

And uhhhh your check is in the mail...might've gotten sent to Sassy's house. Gotta support my ol' lady
Great post! Is a Chicken breast and a sweet potato enough though? I feel like it would take 2 of each lol

At most place, they'll give you a double breast which is plenty close enough to my regular 9 oz of chicken. If the potatoes are small, then I get another as a second side.
When I go out I make the healthy choices but I would never pass up a good cut of steak for grilled chicken. I'm pretty good with my diet (not on cashout's level) but I've gotta live life and steak is one of the greatest parts of life imo!
When I go out I make the healthy choices but I would never pass up a good cut of steak for grilled chicken. I'm pretty good with my diet (not on cashout's level) but I've gotta live life and steak is one of the greatest parts of life imo!

Agreed. I respect Cash for sticking hardcore to his diet. But I don't think it's going to hurt to eat a good ol' Ribeye every once in a while and something a little fattening.
Agreed. I respect Cash for sticking hardcore to his diet. But I don't think it's going to hurt to eat a good ol' Ribeye every once in a while and something a little fattening.

Agreed. What I do is not for everyone. We all must find our own path and walk it accordingly.

What I do truly satisfies me to the fullest extent possible.

Most folks won't understand so I generally tell this story.

At my gym here at the house I have a sign on the wall that reads:

"Disciple: Remembering the thing you want the very most."
I never have a problem eating clean at a restaurant if that's what I choose..most will accommodate. I am alot like cashout in the respect that I eat extremely clean, I also eat as basic and plain jane as possible as I really don't care about food. I was on a cruise over x-mas and I actually lost 3 lbs, you can always eat clean...you just have to want it bad enough :)

Very true.

Great post cash! Thanks for posting. Makes me feel bad about eating a NY Steak sandwich at a restaurant over the weekend. I've cut my alcohol by a lot though and its helped a lot with my weightloss. Just gotta keep it goin!
And uhhhh your check is in the mail...might've gotten sent to Sassy's house. Gotta support my ol' lady


Poor Cash....

Great post... I can eat clean at a restaurant depending on the restaurant. Cheesecake Factory is evil to me....
Never eat out except once a year for our anniversary. I will splurge and get steamed mussles and elk medalions. We also have a bourbon.

I do agree, though that just like what one buys at the grocery store is a choice, so is what you order offthe menu while eating out.
I never have a problem eating clean at a restaurant if that's what I choose..most will accommodate. I am alot like cashout in the respect that I eat extremely clean, I also eat as basic and plain jane as possible as I really don't care about food. I was on a cruise over x-mas and I actually lost 3 lbs, you can always eat clean...you just have to want it bad enough :)

I think a lot of folks would be surprised to learn how accommodating some places will be for a customer.

The local places in my town know me and actually, at some of the locally-owned businesses, they will bring out a couple of the fresh uncooked chicken breast to me at the table and let me pick the ones I want!

Of course that is not necessary but I do think it shows how far some will go to be supportive of their patrons.
Normally when i go out to eat (and thats pretty rare, i normally dont eat off my diet) i always tell the people i am going with to go to a steakhouse or something, that way i can order the leanest cut steak and get some sweet potatoes with it or baked potato.
Cashout thats huge dedication. I always take pack lunches, dinners everywhere. But on the occasion you find me in a restaurant or bar. I am filling my face with whatever I can get my hands on and half wasted holding onto a bottle of vodka.

I cant wait to do that again.