

bulldog god
the girl i am dating is wanting to lose like 10lbs and I was suggesting taking 200mg of dnp ed but I am not sure how she should run it for?
there are easier ways to lose 10lbs than running dnp. how about helping her with her diet first. then theres an eca stack which is less harsh on the body.
In general, most don't suggest dnp use for women. I'd just put her on morning cardio on an empty stomach, decent diet and maybe some ECA. Most people with even just a moderate amount of discipline will be able to lose 10lbs on that combo fairly easily.
bc dnp is fing rat poison. But yeah why not just bang her in the morning for a hour or so? That plus some carb manipulation should do it.
The dosing in women is an issue as there's less room for error due to most women being considerably lighter than men. Plus, it's difficult to find a source for DNP that makes 50-100mg capsules which IMO is what you would need to try to put a woman on a cycle. Of course you could make it yourself but that's a HUGE pain in the ass.
jarbulldog said:
what about the eca stack how would that really help? or a clen and t-3 stack?
They mobilize fat stores and t3 will increase metabolism. Just start her on the a.m. cardio and a decent diet and if she plateaus add eca or clen as long as she's informed about what those things do, risks/benefits.
pretty much everyone is reccomending some morning cardio on an empty stomach b4 you start dumping chems into her.
... roflmfao ... That should do it ...


Ian91 said:
bc dnp is fing rat poison. But yeah why not just bang her in the morning for a hour or so? That plus some carb manipulation should do it.
jarbulldog said:
why is dnp so bad on the body? ...

An industrial dye, and a poison to humans. It is both toxic and explosive. If used correctly it can also be used to burn fat, but you make a mistake with it and you die.
Golgo13 said:
An industrial dye, and a poison to humans. It is both toxic and explosive. If used correctly it can also be used to burn fat, but you make a mistake with it and you die.
Yes, there is no feedback loop in the body for DNP, if you take too much there's no mechanism for the body to counteract what the DNP is doing. However, the doses that 99.99...% of people use don't even come close to dangerous levels.
jarbulldog said:
but I still would like to know the doses of t-3 and clen would be good
It would be like anyone else who's never taken those compounds before, start very low and adjust accordingly. I wouldn't start a woman on more than 20mcg clen/15mcg t3 per day just to be safe.
You dont need to mess with her hormones to lose 10lbs man, unless shes getting ready for a contest. Just have her diet and training in order and she'll be good to go.

A number of years back I have done dnp a few times and got pretty damn cut, however I will not touch the shit. It really is like taking poison and you feel fucking awful. My pee n cum turned that weird fucking shade of yellow.

ECA/Cardio/Diet if she has trouble controlling eating there are a ton of supps that supress the appetite.

on a side note I would not start dosing someone you may in the future break up with. who knows what information/disinformation she will spread around about you. best to keep whatever activities you do that others may feel questionable about secret.
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flipkin said:
A number of years back I have done dnp a few times and got pretty damn cut, however I will not touch the shit. It really is like taking poison and you feel fucking awful. My pee n cum turned that weird fucking shade of yellow.

DNP really isn't that unbearable. If you keep hydrated and a strong fan close by its really not bad at all. The achiness was definately the worst part.