Do any of you ever question......


New member
why your in this game? I mean its like when does it all end? When I was in highschool I was a very tall and skinny guy. That made me feel insecure about myself, so after highschool I dove headfirst into bodybuilding. It started with a small cycle here and there, keeping abs all year long, and having fun. But it didn't take long before the bug hit me and I wanted to be the next big ass mofo in my town.

Well here I am several years later and tiping the scales at over 270 at about 16%bf. I now feel that this obsession has taken a hard hard toll on my bod. Hell, I even felt this way at 240. Bottom line is that I no longer want to put my bod through this shit. Guess its just gona be Ox, and low doses of test from here on out. Any of you other heavy weights out there ever get tired of the constant batttle?
I hear you bro.
When you finnally reach a desired weight and body you can just slow things down and maintain.
You cant always do heavy cycles and try to put on alot of mass.
It is all an individual decision we all have to make at one point in our lives, but right now I love the way my body looks and I can't see stoping now!
BUFFDAWG10 said:
It is all an individual decision we all have to make at one point in our lives, but right now I love the way my body looks and I can't see stoping now!

Ditto, Buff!!
Plan your cycles around your life. Not your life around your cycles. A wise man once said. Me that is.

Actually, I'm the same. I have a bitch of a time dieting. I'm not fat by any mean(around 9%), but with me it makes me feel like a pice of shit to see ANY bodyfat when I look in the mirror. I never used to be like that until the new fad look became rail thin. I almost am embarassed(well, not almost--I AM embarrased) to say that I, at some point, actually bought into what Hollywood was/is telling me is attractive. I thought about it last night and was like "FUCK man, all those little fucks can afford the best COOKS, FOOD, COKE, PILLS, SURGERY, and whathaveyou, and to BOOT they are all like what 20-ish to start, which is a headstart. After rationalizing that shit to myself for a few hours, I went and had a nice MTO from Sheetz, along with a side of Chilli & Cheese. O ya, and I grabbed 6 sour creme glazed fucking mother fucking Krispy Kemes to boot! What, about 10,000 cals right? Eh....I've been wanting to give DNP a whirl anyhow>:D:D:D
bigdelt69 said:
Well here I am several years later and tiping the scales at over 270 at about 16%bf. I now feel that this obsession has taken a hard hard toll on my bod. Hell, I even felt this way at 240. Bottom line is that I no longer want to put my bod through this shit.

What do you mean by "hard toll"? I think it is inevitable that beyond a certain weight (for me about 250) you don't feel as energetic anymore, but that is something I can live with. Are you experiencing any major health problems because of your cycles?
i used to be that 6'1" 150lb skinny bastard and didnt get the intimidation factor that i get now. when i meet new people after talking to them for a while they always ask, so what do you put up man? i just blow them off but i know they are only asking because im ripped and cut. i would like to put on 25-30 lbs more maybe more but i never want to lose my abs. i love my abs!! lol. i just wish i had been working out the right way before, not the shitty way that i used to. if i could do it all over again i would have stayed with lifting instead of drag racing and i would be well over 240 and ripped. and considering this is my first cycle. ahhh to be 16 again and lift natty for 4-5 years. then start.
i guess im saying i wont stop anytime soon, but i am no where near a big or heavy weight yet. I will stop some time though. just not anytime soon. especially during college!!
I was the same way all I wante to do was get ripped and weigh like 165ish now I wanna get up to like 220 and be the biggest guy of everyone I know I have always been the smallest too.