Do cutting diet principles work the same for hardgainers?


New member
I'll try to keep this short. I simply want to know if I can follow the same cutting principles as everyone else.

I'm moderate ectomorph so when I started working out at 18, I followed hardgainer workout and diet principles. I usually use a lot of creatine, consume massive amounts of protein, and stick to compound workouts. I thought of trying anabolics before (mostly out of curiosity and partially because I hated the way creatine made my face look) but I'm too scared of needles and I don't know where to get them anyways. I'm 26 years old now and I've significant success, going from 150 lbs to a high of 200. I'm 6'3 in height, so even at my current weight of 180, people still think I'm skinny.

Unfortunately, I am not very consistent in my diet and workout due to work. Some periods I'd get super motivated to bulk and spend half a year gaining 15 lbs, then my life would get really busy and I'd stop everything, and of course lose half of those gains.

I've never tried cutting in my life (I've never had to before) but these bulking phases over the last few years have really added to my body fat. I used to be 9% when I was 22 and now I'm around 17%. You could say I look skinny-fat (mostly around face and belly), which neither looks nor feels very good.

I want to cut down my body fat before I bulk again. Start building with a clean slate, you could say. So I just want to know, before I begin meticulously watching my food intake and doing cardio regularly (for the first time ever!), do I need to do anything differently then normal people? I'm just concerned with overdoing it and losing muscle along with fat.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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The principles are pretty much the same for everyone. burn more than you intake and you will lose weight. Go to 3j's sticky. get your bmr/tdee. That will be your starting place.

There are some sample diets there as well. They will give you a good idea of the foods you should be eating.

As for the gear.....I wouldnt even consider it. At your age, if you get your diet in check you will be fine. Gear should only be considered when you have reached your full potential naturally.