do deadlifts thicken waist

Thanks, i'll give it a whirl. I do appreciate your knowledge and always come to this forum first to read. I wish the internet had been around in the early '80's as our football coaches (probably most) knew nothing of how to train weights. I "learned" to squat with the bar on my spine (neck) and almost crushed vertabrae. Not to mention we lifted everything M-W-F. Luckily i joined the local gym my junior year. And i learned at a young age to clean up weights or get your ass beat.
my grip strength is definatly a bottleneck for my deadlift... would you guys recommend using straps until i get my forearm strength up? or should i just stay at the same weight now, and allow my forearms to catch up?
w00t said:
my grip strength is definatly a bottleneck for my deadlift... would you guys recommend using straps until i get my forearm strength up? or should i just stay at the same weight now, and allow my forearms to catch up?

what kinda grip you using? are you using chalk? I am just nmow swithching over to the hook grip. it takes a while to deaden the nerves in the thumbs to make it bearable (from what i have been told by lifters who use it) it will prollt take me 6 months to completely make the change.

grip strength can be worked on but pulling deads is one of the best ways to do it. the over under grip works well esp when chalk is used. disadvantge is one hand is over while one is under. this is alleviated with the hook grip. both hands are over.
im using the one hand over, one under grip as of right now. and no chalk, my gym doesnt allow it =/ they say it sticks to their black rubber mats and is hard to get out. i can see where they are comin from i suppose, im not a messy guy, ill just ask if i can bring a towel, and apply the chalk over a towel :)
i bring my own chalk and dont make a mess. tonight was my first attempt at hook grip. the guys told me to start light and add a little each week. I went up to 315 x 5 with the hoogrip. very painful but not as bad i thought it would be. of course thats only 315. after that i switched to the over under and went up to my work set. I can tell you this. it will be tought o drop the bar with the hook grip. its like tightening a rope when you pull.
here's tonights back workout for all you high volume guys.

deads 545 1 x 5

high rows 12 plates 1 x 6

seated cable row 300 1 x 6

well that was it ladies and gents. and guess what when i got there to start deads i had to clean up someone elses mess where they had pulled deads earlier. ikt was comical (not really). they had 2 45s, a 25, a 5 and a 2.5 on each side. i appreciate the 2.5s as this means this guy prolly moved up 5 lbs but AT LEAST CLEAN UP YOUR MESS. there was also 2 hundred pound plates on each side of the leg press. prolly the same twirp that left the dead lift mess. I can never catch these guys doing this (well occassionally) but if and when i do i deffinately make it a point of calling them out to clean their bedrooms before they go to school. we aint ya moma's up in here so pick um up. can you tell that this is my biggest pet peeve? you guys enjoy the gym leave it cleaner than when you found it.
what are your warmup sets like? do you do like go up by increments until you get to 545? like... 1x135 1x225 1x315 1x405 1x495 etc?
yup. 135 x 10 or so, 225 x 10 or so, 315 x 6 or 7, 405 x 5 or so, 495 x 3 or so and then yesterday was 545 x 5. i normally go heavier but was off a little yesterday so stayed there. no belt or straps on any of these exercises yesterday.
how often do you increase your weights? right now as of sunday i know my 1RM on deadlift is 315. and what exactly is a workset? i have an idea.. but i jsut want to be sure
i pm you a routrine with an explanation as to what a work set is. also sent ya a diet to add muscle and loose fat at the same time.
OK here is tonights workout. I even have a surprise ending. bench assisstance work.

8" lockouts wide grip
325 x 3
345 x 3

6" lockouts wide grip
365 x 3
385 x 3

4" lockouts medium grip
405 x 5
435 x 5
465 x 5
495 x 5
525 x 3

I am not even gonna start on the weights being left all over the gym when i got there today. some one pulling deads left the bar loaded with 315. another guy apparantly doing shrugs left 275 on the bar in the power rack. there were 2 hundred lb plates on each side of one leg press and 1 on each side of the other leg press. one of these days i am going to have a roid rage (if they are real, which dont believe they are) and SNAP. Its a conspiracy against me by those little gym members who are jealous. I am going to set a trap and catch one.

but on a good note (i think) (needsize will be proud of me) i did shoulders tonight. yup you heard right I DID SHOULDERS!!!! first time in prolly 2 years. after chest I did some kinda machine that was similar to side laterals. only prob was that it only had 205 lbs on it. I had to add 2 30lb dumbells to it to get a tug. I did 3 x 10. I think i got a pump in my traps and delts. lolololololol hell next week i may try some upright rows since they were my favorite years ago when i did shoulders. OK everyone get off the floor now.

pick up you weights guys.
yea someone definatly needs to bust some heads on these guys that dont pick up after themselves... at my gym theres a guy on roids, hes big and strong lol.. but he doesnt rack his weights... the other day i was deadlifting and he was doing leg press behind me, he filled up the leg press with 45's and then got a bar, laid it across and then filled that up with 45's. did a set of that, and left. i couldnt believe it... like 1000+ pounds he just left there... so me and my buddy cleaned them up for him :)
yea hes still pretty young... lol hes only 24... but yea i know whatcha mean :) we have nicknames for all the gym 'rats' at our gym who do the same exercises everyday... lololololol its mean.. but hey :)
OK here it is. squat night at the gym. the BBers will enjoy this one. I actually did a set of 10. thats right!! not 9 not 11 but 10!! I know, i know its hard to believe but its true. I blew my groseries all over the side walk out side so i guess it was worth it.

i hope you guys can keep up with the total volume of this workout. you may need a calculator.

500 x 10 reps

thats it. lolololol. 5000lbs moved and my little legs were shot. limped home and ate twice so far. mama said she gonna take care of mr. johnson in a little bit to. how lucky can one guy be?

you guys clean your weights up after you finish. aight?
i guess mama means the family dog... lolololololololol

and very nice today :) i did ONE work set this morning of squat 315 x 5:) i was VERY light headed afterwards lol... then went and did. however, on the last 2 i only made down to about paralell... the first 3 were about 2" below :) im comin back!!
bench assistance work tonight.

8" lockouts wide grip

6" lockouts wide grip

4" lockouts medium grip

thats it. the gym was pretty clean when i got there. new owners. you guys train smart and dont overtrain.