do deadlifts thicken waist

heres a short one by a guy many of you may know i am sure.

A tale of two more trainees

Here is another tale of two more trainees that suffer the same delusion from the illusion of looking “flat” like the last two I wrote about. Only difference is this time their goals are different. They are both actively trying to add mass. Let’s see what happens to these two…….

Both of these trainees are low-intermediate level trainees that made pretty good gains when they started, but have struggled big-time since then. They go to the gym week after week and lift the same poundage’s again and again rarely moving up in weight, both on the bar, and on their frame. After much studying they have both decided they are simply training using too much volume, and training too frequently so they both decide to do a low volume/frequency routine.

Two weeks into it all their lifts are up, but………they look in the mirror and they look “flat”!!! It “LOOKS” like they are actually getting smaller!!!! The first trainee does what MANY, MANY trainees do in this situation, he immediately freaks-out and goes right back to the high volume, high frequency work that was failing him. The second trainee understands that since he is no longer doing so many sets and different lifts that the muscles will not be as full since nutrient loading will decrease with the decreased volume, so he keeps at it.

Six month later the guy that went back to “what didn’t work before” is still struggling. His lifts have barely budged, and he looks about the same as he did six months prior. The second trainee has made remarkable progress. All his lifts are WAY up and he has put on a bunch of solid bodyweight and is getting compliments wherever he goes.

Which would you rather be??

Iron Addict
I would like to add something to this as well. Everybody wants a quick fix. Most folks don’t want to put the hours in at the gym needed to build mass. Hey.... it aint gonna happen in a week. I have set up programs for guys and after two weeks they want to change it. Two weeks!!!!! It takes months and years to put on serious size. Consistency is paramount and believing in what you are doing. If you don’t have faith in the program you are using it aint gonna work. Here's an analogy for you. If you wanna be rich would you ask a bum or Donald Trump for advice? Ahhh... I believe I would ask Donnie. Now if you wanna put on size do you get your training routine from a 150lb guy who has been moving the same weight for three years or do you go to a 300lber that is constantly making gains? Ahhhh..... hmmm lets see. This is a toughie. I see guys at the gym every time I go in there who have been there longer than me and still benching 225 for reps. No squats or deads, just arms, shoulders, feeble attempts at legs and benching. 0 progress in 4 years. Sad but true. Do not be one of these guys unless you just wanna go to the gym to exercise. May as well stay at home and do push-ups and pull-ups on the door jam. I hear um say, "I don’t want my legs to get to big". My legs develop very fast and I’ll look out of proportion. You already look out of proportion cause you been benching 225 for 4 years. I would be ashamed to go to the gym if I wasn’t making any progress. We have a 148 lb girl in our gym squatting over 5 and pulling high 4s. She has a 300 bench as well. She has not settled for less but has pushed her self out of her comfort range. Is it painful? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. Soon you want have to tell people you work out cause when they look at you they will know. Nothing sadder than a guy who’s been training for years trying to bulk up and he has to tell people he works out.

Hey Dawg, how's my sensitivity now? lolololol and you guys clean your weights up when you are done.
great videos needsize. Question about your ab routine though.
I tried it a few days ago and noticed while I'm holding the position for 5 or so seconds, I seem to be very shakey...Do you ever experience this problem or could it just be me?
Great stuff Pullin!

I see so many people doing way too much volume. I have suffered from this myself. I like to lift and that is my problem. But when I look at the other guys at my gym who are still pushing the same weight as at the star of the (school)year, I know I'm doing the right thing with low volume.
I have had several people asking me for a routine. So......

Here’s a generic routine that is a good starting point. This is a mass building routine. Probably less volume than you are used too but very effective. Three days per week because that’s all most folks can handle if they are training heavy. They key is near failure or forced/assisted reps. Painful but very effective if you really want to put on size. This does not include warm ups so that is up to you to make sure you are stretched and plenty warm before performing work sets. A work set is defined as a set that you just barely get all reps or need assistance on one or two reps. If you get all the reps fairly easily then it is a warm up and not a work set. Add cardio on the days off to fit your needs.

Squats 2 x 5
Box squats 2 x 5
Leg presses 1 x 20 (pick 1 of the squats + the leg presses)
hips 1 x 20-25 reps
posterior core movement 2 x 10-20reps
Calves (your choice of exercise if you like) 2 x 10
heavy abs 2 x 20

Wide grip flat bench 2 x 6 (index fingers on the rings)
flat bench hammer grip db press 2 x 8-12 reps
tricep push downs 1-2 x 8-100reps. (yup 100)
db side laterals 1-2 x 10reps light
db front raises 1-2 x 10reps light
pull-a-parts 1-2 x 20reps

Dead lifts (rotate variations each week) 2 x 5
posterior core movement 2 x 10-20reps
rows 2 x 4-8reps
Reverse grip narrow grip pull downs 2 x 4-8reps
Standing wide grip curls 2 x 8-12 reps (or your favorite curl here)
hammer curls or reverse curls 2 x 8-12reps
heavy abs 2 x 20reps

Every one of these movements is a mass building exercise or an assistance movement to incease the core movements. These are the essential movements for putting on size. Rest and nutrition are just as important as lifting, neglect any one of the three and you will not grow. Juice or no juice all will grow with this routine or a similar one. Consistency is the key. Adding 5 lbs to the bar every other week equals 130lbs/year. Not bad considering many are moving the same weight year in year out. Strength gains are the key to growth, not the other way around.

Bear in mind this routine or any other will need some tweaking after several weeks. but if you looking to keep it simple give it 12 weeks and you will be amazed.

I hope this helpful to all who read it. I have designed many programs for a variety of athletes with varying needs. If you have special needs such as martial arts, football or gymnastics (to name a few) the program can be altered to accommodate these needs.

posterior core movements include:
good morning variations
reverse hypers
45° hypers
hyper extensions
romanian deads
dimel deads
glute hjam raise
pull thrus
the list goes on

and for those who want a band/sled only routine here ya go:

heavy sled pull forward 1 x 100yds
heavy sled pull backwards 1 x 100yds
band/neck/gms 2 x 10
band crunches 2 x 20
adduction pull 1 x 50yds/leg
abduction pull 1 x 50yds/leg

rest day

band push ups 2 x 10
band push downs 2 x 10
band up-right rows 1 x 10 or front and side raises
band pull aparts 3 x 10

rest day

band/neck gms 2 x 10
sled pull thrus with handle 2 x 10
band crunches 2 x 20
sled lat rows 2 x 20
band hammer curls 2 x 10

and for cardio on the off days. Pull the sled. =0)
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joshisripped said:
great videos needsize. Question about your ab routine though.
I tried it a few days ago and noticed while I'm holding the position for 5 or so seconds, I seem to be very shakey...Do you ever experience this problem or could it just be me?

I get that too, it'll get a little better
saturdayts routine. bench assistance work.

8" lockouts wide grip
315 x 5
335 x 5

6" lock outs wide grip
335 x 5
355 x 5

4" lockouts medium grip
395 x 5
425 x 5
455 x 5
485 x 5

i even did some puish downs. surprise surprise.
250 2 x 8
tanned and went home.
sundays squat. first time in a suit in over a year.

not going to list all the warm ups but last raw warm up was 595 for a dbl. suited up....

645 x 2
705 x 2
755 x 1
805 x 1

i felt a little shacky having not gone over 625 for the last year. the 805 went up very easily but i stopped there and will suit up next week and do some sets of 3 with 755 maybe. see how i feel next week.

you guys make sure to clean up your weights when you are done. offer other lifters a spot and not advise (unless they ask) hate having some one giving me tips on squatting that dont squat. lololol

one more tid bit if i may. when i was lifting saturday it took me about 1 hour and half or so to finish. there was a guy doing bis when i got there and he was still doing them when i was finished. he was walking aroung all bowed up looking at his 14"ers in the mirror with his sleeves rolled up. I wanted to tell him how to get big arms but i fear muscle fitness may have him under a spell which will be hard to break.
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tonights bench assistance work

4 board, wide grip
345 x 5
365 x 5
385 x 5

5 board, wide grip
405 x 5
425 x 5
445 x 5

4" lockouts, medium grip
405 x 5
435 x 5
465 x 5
495 x 3

started a new training cycle tonight. hope to have some video clips soon.

i cannot stress to you guys and gals how important it is to clean up your weights. tonight a lady wanted to do the leg press but some goober left thew hundred pound plates on there. if that lady had tried to move those she could have gotten hurt. naturallt me being the good samaritan helped her but i wanted to kick the guys ass that left them on there. part of working out is loading and unloading plates. you may actually get bigger bis from doing it. always be curtious and helpful with out giving a bunch of advise. no one wants advise from a guy with 12" arms on doing cable push downs or tricept kick backs corectly. we hnave a guy in our gym that constantly gives advise and he has been moving the same weight for years. DUHHHHH!!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!!!
OK guys here it is. a testimonial from one of my victims, perch wrote:

pullinbig- update on my training- four weeks on your routine of 3 days a week based on split and workout on "do deadlifts thicken waist"- before - bench 195 for 5
squat 185 for 5- i know - weak used to do all"beach work" etc.. to get the pussy and still didn't work- lol
deads- 205 for 5

now four weeks later- weight is up 60lbs

bench - 225 for 5
squat 245 for 5
deads 265 for 5
feel good and stronger and "tight"- your routine is a god send the only change i made is that I do one arm rows instead of bent over rows because my low back isn't worth a shit after the deads- and I'm doing this via your recommondations not to use a belt, or wraps.

there it is fellas, the numbers dont lie. i get pms like this all the time by happy young men making the best gains of thier lifting careers in just a few short weeks, not months or years, weeks. I really dont understand why all folks dont lift this way. unless you a gentic freak high volume will kill you and send you home wondering why it aint working.

i'll let you in on another secrete as well. if you got your nutrition right you can loose fat, build strength and muscle at the same time. what more can you ask for???
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Holy shit 30lb on the bench in 4 weeks.

I've put 10 in the past 4 weeks and I'm happy!
Yeah those are great too. I've always found it especially hard to gain on bench though that's why it shocked me.
hey 10lbs in four weeks is good. thats 130lbs a year, not bad. insane youy using one of my routines? so many are i cant keep up with everybody. the guys who pay i keep records and talk on the phone with. the freebies dont get this attention. I also help with nutrition and make adjustments to routines as needed and they will be needed as i find out more about how the client is reacting to the stimuli. good luck everybody.
mondays squat. did not suit up.

warm ups then 615 x 4

box squats
405 2 x 4

thats it. my groin was bothering me so i dropped leg presses tonight and backed off box squats a bit as well.

i hope al you guys picked up your weights when you got done liftig today. remeber its a privelage to lift so act accordingly. =0)
My groins hurt for at least 5 days after squatting. Any suggestions? My squat stance is just a little over shoulder width wide.
ozzyy1 said:
My groins hurt for at least 5 days after squatting. Any suggestions? My squat stance is just a little over shoulder width wide.

stretch every day. make sure you stretch your groing esp well. 10 minutes on the bike before stretching on leg day will help as well. if this doesnt solve the prob go see a doc as you may have some soft tissue damage. oh yea 800mg ibuprofen before heading to the gym and afterwards as well.

good luck with that bro
Thanks PB. Back in high school football (20 yrs. ago, damn i'm old) i had constant groin pulls and i was the pulling guard. Groins are just a nagging aggrevation. I've learned to live with them. Any good stretches other than sitting on your ass with feet together?
hey i am 45 so i know you pain. I have also had reaccurring groin strains and pulls. the best one for me is to stand with a wide stance and just stretch side to side. also when i warm up for squats i start with the bar and add a plate every set til i get to my work set. stretch between sets too.

good luck