Hi guys, idk if this is the right place to ask this question, but the topic of the post is gyno, so i figure i would give it a try.
I'm on my 10th week of my 1st test e cycle 500mg per week, I ran liquidex .25 eod first 4 weeks, week 5 upped it to .25 ed, but by week 6 I got lumps under my nipples, left bigger than the right.
So I upped the dex to 1mg per day and have been on that ever since. I also added nolva 40mg ed 1st week (which was week 6), 20 mg ed following weeks after. The sensitivity and soreness went away, but the lumps are still there... about the same size, maybe slightly bigger. My nipples get hard and stick out a lot randomly throughout the day especially during training, when they get hard they feel sensitive. I also have a tender spot on my chest about an inch above the nipple that has the bigger lump, it feels like muscle soreness, but it doesn't seem to go away.
On week 8, i lowered the test to 400mg per week to see if that would help the gyno (no change except now I'm having issues maintaining erections)
I just got my e2 blood test back and it is 13.7 pg/mL.
Any ideas on how to get rid of the lumps? I doubt letro is necessary as my e2 is already pretty low, should I go back to 40mg on nolva? try something else? I have 6 weeks left in my cycle.
I posted on another forum and I was recommended using forma stanzol.. I never heard of it.. would that work?
Any help appreciated.