So what's better to use between the 2. Nolva tabs or Ralox research liquid?
Real ralox is better than real tamox but both will work.
So what's better to use between the 2. Nolva tabs or Ralox research liquid?
but what about real tamox vs research ralox? unless you know where to get real ralox.. i've looked everywhere..Real ralox is better than real tamox but both will work.
but what about real tamox vs research ralox? unless you know where to get real ralox.. i've looked everywhere..
Real ralox is better than real tamox but both will work.
I would say I'm going to make the switch been taking 40mg tamoxifen for 3 weeks and maybe a little something but I'm gonna switch to ralox. The research screams better just ducks because my gyno is from going through puberty so it's old. But I've seen a bunch of guys get rid of theirs totally. Exciting thought! Haha
Hey man, what are you running as an AI with your nolva? I just switched from liquidex to aromasin pills and it's making a huge difference with my gyno. I know my liquidex was legit because my e2 was at 13, so I took a few days off from an AI and then started aromasin 1/2 pill ed with my nolva and my nips have been soft and feel almost normal I don't know if the lump a shrinking yet, I'm a little scared to play with them but they do feel good and they are not sticking to my shirt at the gym anymore. so I don't know about others but for me switchin to aromasin is helping!
There are adverse drug interactions between arimidex and tamoxifen. They should not be taken together. This may be contributing to why you are feeling better with aromasin.
I assume this interaction occurs with raloxifene as well?
Also this interesting, ralxofiene decreases IGF-1 a bit like Nolva yet has no effect on testosterone (meaning it is pointless for PCT it seems).
I am considering using raloxifene with the protocol Austinite suggested @60mg for the first 10 days and then 30mg until the two small pea sized lumps disappear under my nipples (there is also definitely adipose tissue that isn't gyno on top of the lumps and around the nipple as well which I plan on doing a cut in around 6 weeks from now to rid of as it looks like simple fatty deposits), but the two pea sized lumps they developed after fucking around with TRT at high doses and arimidex proving to be useless for some strange reason and it is noticable through most of my t-shirts now specifically my left nipple so now I got to wear my tight, thick fucking t-shirts until I get rid of it.
Oh well, such is life. You can sit back and bitch about the problems life deals you or you can tackle them head on.
The interaction between nolvadex and Arimidex is merely lessening potency. Not an "adverse" interaction so to speak.
i have been running this on another forum , but i will make a short resume here:
about 1 month after a NOLVA pct , i woke up with big nasty glands (fingers reaching towards nipples ) and 2 big hard dimes under my nipples , sad sad sad , within a week i started RALOXIFENE at 60mg/day.
currently in about the 6th week.
week 1 - nothing happened
week 2 - nothing happened
week 3 - sometimes lumps seemed smaller/sometimes bigger
week 4 - same weird shit
week 5-6(now ) - about 5 days ago overnight , the fingers literally dissapeared 90% , and the lumps shrunk by 30% at least, the nips still look puffy and pointy , and the lumps are still big but not as big as last week.
am looking for as much opinions as i can ,
from the initial post here i should stop after 60 days of 60mg/day ralox , but i was thinking just to lower it to 30mg/day ?
and 1 more question: should i incorporate somehow aromasin into this story? i have a box lying around , i know contrary to the initial post here but i just wanted to ask , sorry if i disturbed anyone.
Any links to the Raloxifene to purchase?