Do I Have Gyno? Letrozole?


New member
Hey everyone, I am 21 years old, 5'10'' 165 lbs. When i was around 13 years old i was overweight, around 195 lbs. I lost the weight but i noticed that my nipples were puffy. I did research on Gyno and can not figure out if i have it or not. I asked my doctor about it a couple weeks ago and he told me i was fine. I will post pictures of my chest and if you could let me know if i have Gyno or not i would appreciate it. Also, i have heard about Letrozole, has anyone had any experience with it, do you think it will help me out? If so, does anyone know where i would be able to purchase it online?
Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated
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Hey everyone, I am 21 years old, 5'10'' 165 lbs. When i was around 13 years old i was overweight, around 195 lbs. I lost the weight but i noticed that my nipples were puffy. I did research on Gyno and can not figure out if i have it or not. I asked my doctor about it a couple weeks ago and he told me i was fine. I will post pictures of my chest and if you could let me know if i have Gyno or not i would appreciate it. Also, i have heard about letrozole, has anyone had any experience with it, do you think it will help me out? If so, does anyone know where i would be able to purchase it online?
Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated
Wont help. Just add cardio (a lot) and clean your diet. Gyno hurts and you can feel the mass under the skin. That's how you know that you are in trouble.
Hey everyone, I am 21 years old, 5'10'' 165 lbs. When i was around 13 years old i was overweight, around 195 lbs. I lost the weight but i noticed that my nipples were puffy. I did research on Gyno and can not figure out if i have it or not. I asked my doctor about it a couple weeks ago and he told me i was fine. I will post pictures of my chest and if you could let me know if i have Gyno or not i would appreciate it. Also, i have heard about Letrozole, has anyone had any experience with it, do you think it will help me out? If so, does anyone know where i would be able to purchase it online?
Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated

If you are over 20 yrs old --- have trained consistently for a few years --- stay away from letro as its a killer on lipids, immune and joints and sex drive.

Consider running AndroHard to raise DHT levels and control estrogen problems. Cycle for 8-12 weeks and catch some muscle hardness also...

Mine looked like that before I started lifting, and after about 5 years of training they look a lot better, but im still paranoid as fuck about em. I've never seriously tried to lose weight, I've just bulked up. After this cycle im on of pure test prop, ill run clen after a few weeks of my PCT and try to get rid of em with a strict diet, while cutting down my bf at the same time. If that fails, it looks like surgery for you and me bro.
If you are over 20 yrs old --- have trained consistently for a few years --- stay away from letro as its a killer on lipids, immune and joints and sex drive.

Consider running AndroHard to raise DHT levels and control estrogen problems. Cycle for 8-12 weeks and catch some muscle hardness also...


As above. And you don't have gyno by the way, far from it.
Those^^ I have the same type of nips unfortunately it's just puffy ness, if there is a hard lump behind it then you have issues. The more fat you lose the less puffy they will appear as well (i think) or at least in my case that's what works lol
If you are over 20 yrs old --- have trained consistently for a few years --- stay away from letro as its a killer on lipids, immune and joints and sex drive.

Consider running AndroHard to raise DHT levels and control estrogen problems. Cycle for 8-12 weeks and catch some muscle hardness also...


I dont think you have gyno, to be honest. You have pseudo-gyno, which is really just chest fat, which makes the nipples seem pronounced. I have the same thing. Diet and Androhard has definitely helped reduce it, however I have not dont it on a long term scale yet. I plan to attack it with a long term androhard cycle, and diet. As the BF goes away, the problem will as well.