Can I preez haz cum in your bum?
Jesus this thread died. Wtf? Lol
Right when I post new bloods too! Half get your ass in here!
here is the whole thing
CBC With Differential/Platelet
WBC 6.7 x10E3/uL 3.4 - 10.8 01
RBC 5.75 x10E6/uL 4.14 - 5.80 01
Hemoglobin 14.3 g/dL 12.6 - 17.7 01
Hematocrit 44.7 % 37.5 - 51.0 01
MCV 78 Low fL 79 - 97 01
MCH 24.9 Low pg 26.6 - 33.0 01
MCHC 32.0 g/dL 31.5 - 35.7 01
RDW 15.7 High % 12.3 - 15.4 01
Platelets 211 x10E3/uL 155 - 379 01
Neutrophils 58 % 40 - 74 01
Lymphs 32 % 14 - 46 01
Monocytes 9 % 4 - 12 01
Eos 1 % 0 - 5 01
Basos 0 % 0 - 3 01
Neutrophils (Absolute) 3.8 x10E3/uL 1.4 - 7.0 01
Lymphs (Absolute) 2.2 x10E3/uL 0.7 - 3.1 01
Monocytes(Absolute) 0.6 x10E3/uL 0.1 - 0.9 01
Eos (Absolute) 0.1 x10E3/uL 0.0 - 0.4 01
Baso (Absolute) 0.0 x10E3/uL 0.0 - 0.2 01
Immature Granulocytes 0 % 0 - 2 01
Immature Grans (Abs) 0.0 x10E3/uL 0.0 - 0.1 01
Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)
Glucose, Serum 83 mg/dL 65 - 99 01
BUN 18 mg/dL 6 - 20 01
Creatinine, Serum 1.03 mg/dL 0.76 - 1.27 01
eGFR If NonAfricn Am 98 mL/min/1.73 >59 eGFR If Africn Am 113 mL/min/1.73 >59 BUN/Creatinine Ratio 17 8 - 19
Sodium, Serum 142 mmol/L 134 - 144 01
Potassium, Serum 3.9 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.2 01
Chloride, Serum 105 mmol/L 97 - 108 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 23 mmol/L 19 - 28 01
Calcium, Serum 9.3 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2 01
Protein, Total, Serum 6.6 g/dL 6.0 - 8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.5 g/dL 3.5 - 5.5 01
Globulin, Total 2.1 g/dL 1.5 - 4.5
A/G Ratio 2.1 1.1 - 2.5
Bilirubin, Total 0.4 mg/dL 0.0 - 1.2 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 66 IU/L 39 - 117 01
AST (SGOT) 16 IU/L 0 - 40 01
ALT (SGPT) 17 IU/L 0 - 44 01
Testosterone, Serum 227 Low ng/dL 348 - 1197 01
Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S LH 3.1 mIU/mL 1.7 - 8.6 01
FSH, Serum FSH 2.6 mIU/mL 1.5 - 12.4 01
Estradiol 23.3 pg/mL 7.6 - 42.6 01 Roche ECLIA methodology
Cap did I mention I missed you hahaha
Hahaha at least I'm good for something right?
Jesus this thread died. Wtf? Lol
Right when I post new bloods too! Half get your ass in here!
Oh the headache I woke up with. Ridiculous. Slept for too long.
here is the whole thing
CBC With Differential/Platelet
WBC 6.7 x10E3/uL 3.4 - 10.8 01
RBC 5.75 x10E6/uL 4.14 - 5.80 01
Hemoglobin 14.3 g/dL 12.6 - 17.7 01
Hematocrit 44.7 % 37.5 - 51.0 01
MCV 78 Low fL 79 - 97 01
MCH 24.9 Low pg 26.6 - 33.0 01
MCHC 32.0 g/dL 31.5 - 35.7 01
RDW 15.7 High % 12.3 - 15.4 01
Platelets 211 x10E3/uL 155 - 379 01
Neutrophils 58 % 40 - 74 01
Lymphs 32 % 14 - 46 01
Monocytes 9 % 4 - 12 01
Eos 1 % 0 - 5 01
Basos 0 % 0 - 3 01
Neutrophils (Absolute) 3.8 x10E3/uL 1.4 - 7.0 01
Lymphs (Absolute) 2.2 x10E3/uL 0.7 - 3.1 01
Monocytes(Absolute) 0.6 x10E3/uL 0.1 - 0.9 01
Eos (Absolute) 0.1 x10E3/uL 0.0 - 0.4 01
Baso (Absolute) 0.0 x10E3/uL 0.0 - 0.2 01
Immature Granulocytes 0 % 0 - 2 01
Immature Grans (Abs) 0.0 x10E3/uL 0.0 - 0.1 01
Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)
Glucose, Serum 83 mg/dL 65 - 99 01
BUN 18 mg/dL 6 - 20 01
Creatinine, Serum 1.03 mg/dL 0.76 - 1.27 01
eGFR If NonAfricn Am 98 mL/min/1.73 >59 eGFR If Africn Am 113 mL/min/1.73 >59 BUN/Creatinine Ratio 17 8 - 19
Sodium, Serum 142 mmol/L 134 - 144 01
Potassium, Serum 3.9 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.2 01
Chloride, Serum 105 mmol/L 97 - 108 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 23 mmol/L 19 - 28 01
Calcium, Serum 9.3 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2 01
Protein, Total, Serum 6.6 g/dL 6.0 - 8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.5 g/dL 3.5 - 5.5 01
Globulin, Total 2.1 g/dL 1.5 - 4.5
A/G Ratio 2.1 1.1 - 2.5
Bilirubin, Total 0.4 mg/dL 0.0 - 1.2 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 66 IU/L 39 - 117 01
AST (SGOT) 16 IU/L 0 - 40 01
ALT (SGPT) 17 IU/L 0 - 44 01
Testosterone, Serum 227 Low ng/dL 348 - 1197 01
Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S LH 3.1 mIU/mL 1.7 - 8.6 01
FSH, Serum FSH 2.6 mIU/mL 1.5 - 12.4 01
Estradiol 23.3 pg/mL 7.6 - 42.6 01 Roche ECLIA methodology
Yea Austinite recommended a restart too. But I'm considering just taking the hrt plunge
Yea Austinite recommended a restart too. But I'm considering just taking the hrt plunge