Do your boys change size?

Maybe the boys are just moving up inside you, leaving the sack feeling empty. Mine do that sometimes, depending on how tense I am feeling.

Sometimes they are half size or quarter size so no that's not what's going on. Beats me why they do it because I can't find any info on it.
Aren't we the bright penny dude if ur on TRT forget about your balls they will eventually shrivel to the size of dried out chick peas and you will start growing a mangina with a huge well you get the idea. Oh I forgot to mention your peanut bag will look like a shriveled up old peace leather. You will see just stay the course. Good luck
Aren't we the bright penny dude if ur on TRT forget about your balls they will eventually shrivel to the size of dried out chick peas and you will start growing a mangina with a huge well you get the idea. Oh I forgot to mention your peanut bag will look like a shriveled up old peace leather. You will see just stay the course. Good luck

Take your b.s. someplace else