Doc says I need to lower my dose... Here are my test results.

So basically the female hormone panel will cover everything? Or do I need the male hormone as well?

The hormone panel for males (about $150 after discount) has the more accurate estradiol test and is much more complete (IGF, PSA, Thyroid) - also includes free test. If price isn't a big factor I'd go with that one.
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Ok cool I***8217;ll go with that one! As far as an AI though, is that something I need to find myself, or can you order that online at like ***** or somewhere else?
The hormone panel for males (about $150 after discount) has the more accurate estradiol test and is much more complete (IGF, PSA, Thyroid) - also includes free test. If price isn't a big factor I'd go with that one.
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I’m thinking about dropping my testosterone to 100mg/wk, from my research that should get me in the normalish range, which should result in. Normal estrogen level as well, am I right?
Also, I’m on 5mcg of liothyronine/day - is that even doing anything? I’ve read that it can cause you to feel tired and low energy.. should I just stop that all together?
Why are you taking liothyronine? Does your doctor prescribe that? It is a thyroid medicine and I would not take it unless you need it.

To answer your question comprehensive bloodwork is the only way you will know what your Test level is and your E2 level. Comprehensive bloodwork will also let you know if you need the thyroid medicine. Get a thyroid panel done along with all the other bloodwork.