Doc wont prescribe TRT so I started myself...

Well if she cares about you she will understand. I don't have the time of day for women who only think about themelves...
Not saying that's the case here.
Don't stress out cause you raise cortisol which messes with T even more.
I should prolly get my cortisol levels checked. I am constantly stressed and with working as much as I do I am sure it doesnt help
I am going to a urologist thursday. Megatron are there specific questions that you think I should ask. I am bringing the last 6 months worth of bloodwork with me..

Also, can someone explain the negative feedback loop? I have been reading about it and it is confusing the shit out of me. Im sure its simple once you get it but im not getting it
A feedback loop is when cause and effect are related so that the effect influences the cause.

When the effect reinforces the cause it's a positive feedback loop (generally unstable), when the effect reduces the cause it's a negative feedback loop (generally seeks equilibrium).

In the case of the HPTA, the presence of increased amounts of testosterone lead to increased aromatization to estradiol, which in turn reduces the secretion of lutenizing hormone, which reduces the production of testosterone.
This is a negative feedback loop (I hope I didn't get it completely wrong) which helps keep levels of testosterone stable when everything is working as it should.