I'm taking a whole post out in my log to dedicate to 3J! The man is a Godsend. I have a decent grasp of nutrition and have read much in the nutritional/diet field. But it's always the hardest critiquing yourself and your own diet objectively. We can look at other ppl's diets and have all the answers for them but when it comes to our own, sometimes we lack objectivity to know how we can improve. This is where 3J comes in.
I paid 3J for a carb cycle diet last year BEFORE I ever started AAS. I wanted a good foundation to build off, I prefer strength to mass/aesthetics so I was hesitant to how his knowledge would be useful to me. At the time, his diet worked incredibly well. I was shedding some fat while increasing my Strengh AND his diet included many of the foods I enjoy eating. I couldn't have been happier with his diet and holding off on AAS.
Fast forward to yesterday and today. I'm on cycle, weight gain has stagnated, appetite is in the gutters and 3J of all ppl visits my training log (never thought he ventured much out of the diet section

). Anyway, after several posts in my thread and emails back and forth, he has given me some pointers on how to keep driving my weight gain and what I can do in regards to my appetite.
at this moment I am not one of his paying customers 
the man has taken time out of his busy schedule, on a Friday night and weekend nonetheless, to help out a FORMER customer. Be replied to my emails within 20-30min TOPS, gave me pointers on how to increase my calories, and put my appetite problem into perspective. Even with what I know about nutrition, I lacked the objectivity to do this to my own diet and here pops this angel disguised as a man. I cannot thank the man enough, he has a friend for life in me, and his recommendations to me hit home.
The point of this post: if you're having problems with your diet, if you haven't been seeing the results you want (whether bulking or cutting), if you want a razor sharp objective eye to go over your diet, if your on cycle or off, shit JUST ABOUT ANYBODY can benefit from his services. He has a free diet thread in the diet section but if you want more personalized advice, I suggest becoming a client and his next success story. I will never take for granted what services he offers after showing me kindness and helping out an old customer. I can guarantee every last one of you, if you hire him as your ace in the back pocket and
follow his advice to the letter lost gains, dismal cycles, and dieting problems will be a thing of the past. Just so everyone is aware, I am NOT a representative of 3J in any way, shape, or form, he did not ask me to make this post or hint at it any any manner, and I am NOT being paid a penny (or a free diet lol) to make this. This is me acting on the kindness another man has shown me. God Bless you 3J and keep doing what you're doing my friend.